
Influência do método de congelamento em filé de sardinha marinado

De Mesquita Carneiro Maria de Jesus, Tobinaga Satochi, Cristianini Marcelo, Goli Thierry, Raoult-Wack Anne-Lucie. 2000. Influência do método de congelamento em filé de sardinha marinado. Revista Brasileira de Produtos Agroindustriais, 2 (1) : 1-6.

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Titre anglais : Influence of the marinated sardine fillet freezing method

Résumé : Sardine fillets that were frozen at -20°C and that suffered a pre-treatment by immersion in brine for 10 minutes and for 2 hours and, frozen sardine fillets at -20°C, were unfrozen and marinated in a solution with 3,3% of sodium chlorite and 3,5% of acetic acid for 45 minutes at 10°C, being these products stored at the temperature at 2,5°C. During the marinade, the water has been analyzed as to the loss of water and gain of salt; the quality of the sardine fillets has been evaluated; and immediately after the marinade and 2 months of storage it was evaluated the quality of the sardine fillets according to their humidity, salt tenor, pH, water retention capacity, exudation during the cooking process and color analysis by the instrumental method. In this work, the reduction of humidity has been observed and the increase of pH in all the samples after 2 months of storage. A bigger loss of water has also been observed in the sample frozen by cold air during the process of marinade than in the samples frozen by immersion. The frozen samples by different methods didn't present either significant difference of capacity of water retention during the process of marinade or in the storage period. Regarding to the exudation during the cooking process has been observed that there wasn't significant difference between the different samples, but they presented a bigger amount of exuded liquid after 2 months of storage.

Classification Agris : Q02 - Traitement et conservation des produits alimentaires

Auteurs et affiliations

  • De Mesquita Carneiro Maria de Jesus, UENF (BRA)
  • Tobinaga Satochi, UNICAMP (BRA)
  • Cristianini Marcelo, UNICAMP (BRA)

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