
Inventory of agroecology-related initiatives in Tunisia (1999–2022)

Lestrelin Guillaume, Jaouadi Rahma. 2022. Inventory of agroecology-related initiatives in Tunisia (1999–2022). Montpellier : CGIAR, 10 p. (CGIAR Initiative on Agroecology)

Document technique et de recherche
Version publiée - Anglais
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Résumé : This document presents the results of an inventory of agroecology-related initiatives implemented in Tunisia since 1999. A total of 26 different initiatives were analyzed through a rapid review of grey literature, scientific papers as well as electronic resources found on project/organization websites. The review highlights a fairly significant diversification of the agroecology-related intervention strategies over time – from early initiatives exclusively focused on research-and-development, demonstration, and technical support, to sensitization and capacity building approaches after the mid-2000s, and initiatives centered on value chains, multi-stakeholder platforms and credit/financial facilities after the mid-2010s. It also shows that the agroecology principles the most addressed by the different initiatives are 'co-creation of knowledge', 'synergy', 'biodiversity' and 'soil health' while the less frequently addressed are 'animal health', 'social values and diets', 'fairness' and 'connectivity'.

Mots-clés libres : Agroecology, Research projects, Stakeholders, Project management

Agences de financement hors UE : Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers

Auteurs et affiliations

Source : Cirad - Agritrop (

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