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Nombre de documents : 24.


Dispositif et procédé de largage de produits fragiles. Bouyer Jérémy, Seck Momar Talla, Gimonneau Geoffrey. 2020. Paris : INPI, 19 p. N° de dépôt : 1653994, N° de brevet : FR1653994 B1, N° de dépôt international : PCT/EP2017059832, N° de brevet international : WO2017190991 A1, N° de brevet : BR112018072546 A2, N° de brevet : US20190141946, N° de brevet européen : EP3452365A1


Drivers of Rift Valley fever epidemics in Madagascar. Lancelot Renaud, Beral Marina, Rakotoharinome Vincent Michel, Andriamandimby Soa Fy, Héraud Jean Michel, Coste Caroline, Apolloni Andrea, Squarzoni Cécile, De La Rocque Stéphane, Formenty Pierre, Bouyer Jérémy, Wint Willy, Cardinale Eric. 2017. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114 (5) : 938-943.

The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Hudson Lawrence N., Newbold Tim, Contu Sara, Hill Samantha L.L., Lysenko Igor, de Palma Adriana, Phillips Helen R.P., Alhusseini Tamera I., Bedford Felicity E., Bennett Dominic J., Booth Hollie, Burton Victoria J., Chng Charlotte W.T., Choimes Argyrios, Correia David L.P., Day Julie, Echeverria-Londono Susy, Emerson Susan R., Gao Di, Garon Morgan, Harrison Michelle L.K., Ingram Daniel J., Jung Martin, Kemp Victoria, Kirkpatrick Lucinda, Martin Callum D., Pan Yuan, Pask-Hale Gwilym D., Pynegar Edwin L., Robinson Alexandra N., Sanchez-Ortiz Katia, Senior Rebecca A., Simmons Benno I., White Hannah J., Zhang Hanbin, Aben Job, Abrahamczyk Stefan, Adum Gilbert B., Aguilar-Barquero Virginia, Aizen Marcelo A., Albertos Belén, Alcala E.L., Del Mar Aguacil Maria, Alignier Audrey, Ancrenaz Marc, Andersen Alan N., Arbelaez-Cortes Enrique, Armbrecht Inge, Arroyo-Rodriguez Victor, Aumann Tom, Axmacher Jan C., Azhar Badrul, Azpiroz Adrian B., Baeten Lander, Bakayoko Adama, Baldi Andras, Banks John E., Baral Sharad K., Barlow Jos, Barratt Barbara I.P., Barrico Lurdes, Bartolommei Paola, Barton Diane M., Basset Yves, Batary Peter, Bates Adam J., Baur Bruno, Bayne Erin M., Beja Pedro, Benedick Suzan, Berg Ake, Bernard Hervé, Berry Nicholas J., Bhatt Dinesh, Bicknell Jake E., Bihn Jochen H., Blake Robin J., Bobo Kadiri Serge, Boçon Roberto, Boekhout Teun, Böhning-Gaese Katrin, Bonham Kevin J., Borges Paulo A.V., Borges Sérgio H., Boutin Céline, Bouyer Jérémy, Bragagnolo Cibele, Brandt Jodi S., Brearley Francis Q., Brito Isabel, Bros Vicenç, Brunet Jörg, Buczkowski Grzegorz, Buddle Christopher M., Bugter Rob, Buscardo Erika, Buse Jörn, Cabra-Garcia Jimmy, Caceres Nilton C., Cagle Nicolette L., Calvino-Cancela Maria, Cameron Sydney A., Cancello Eliana M., Caparros Rut, Cardoso Pedro, Carpenter Dan, Carrijo Tiago F., Carvalho Anelena, Cassano Camila R., Castro Helena, Castro-Luna Alejandro A., Cerda Rolando, Cerezo Alexis, Chapman Kim Alan, Chauvat Matthieu, Christensen Morten, Clarke Francis M., Cleary Daniel F.R., Colombo Giorgio, Connop Stuart P., Craig Michael D., Cruz-Lopez Leopoldo, Cunningham Saul A., D'Aniello Biagio, D'Cruze Neil, da Silva Pedro Giovâni, Dallimer Martin, Danquah Emmanuel, Darvill Ben, Dauber Jens, Davis Adrian L.V., Dawson Jeff, de Sassi Claudio, De Thoisy Benoit, Deheuvels Olivier, et al.. 2017. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (1) : 145-188.


Alternative vector control methods to manage the Zika virus outbreak: More haste, less speed. Bouyer Jérémy, Chandre Fabrice, Gilles Jérémie, Baldet Thierry. 2016. Lancet. Global Health, 4 (6) : e364.

Culicoides imicola: Phylogeography, population genetics, and invasive status in the Mediterranean basin. [3166]. Jacquet Stéphanie, Huber Karine, Guis Hélène, Balenghien Thomas, Chevillon Christine, Bouyer Jérémy, Garros Claire. 2016. In : 25th International Congress of Entomology: Entomology without borders. ESA. Orlando : Entomological Society of America, 1p. International Congress of Entomology. 26, Orlando, États-Unis, 25 Septembre 2016/30 Septembre 2016.

Culicoides species in the Niayes area of Senegal, West Africa: what are the larval habitats? Bakhoum Mame Thierno, Fall A.G., Bassene Chiavaroli K., Baldet Thierry, Seck Momar Talla, Bouyer Jérémy, Garros Claire, Gimonneau Geoffrey. 2016. . Lisbonne : E-SOVE, 1 poster E-SOVE Conference. 20, Lisbonne, Portugal, 2 Octobre 2016/6 Octobre 2016.

Foraging range of arthropods with veterinary interest: new insights for Afrotropical Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) using the ring method. Bakhoum Mame Thierno, Fall Moussa, Seck Momar Talla, Gardes Laëtitia, Fall A.G., Diop M., Mall Iba, Balenghien Thomas, Baldet Thierry, Gimonneau Geoffrey, Garros Claire, Bouyer Jérémy. 2016. Acta Tropica, 157 : 59-67.
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How can international agricultural research better contribute to innovations: lessons from impact pathways analysis. Devaux-Spatarakis Agathe, Barret Danielle, Bouyer Jérémy, Cerdan Claire, Dabat Marie-Hélène, Faure Guy, Ferré Thierry, Hainzelin Etienne, Medah Ignace, Temple Ludovic, Triomphe Bernard. 2016. In : Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways. Newport : IFSA, 14 p. European IFSA Symposium. 12, Newport, Royaume-Uni, 12 Juillet 2016/15 Juillet 2016.

How can we investigate the foraging range of three main Culicoides species in the Niayes area of Senegal, West Africa. Bakhoum Mame Thierno, Fall Moussa, Seck Momar Talla, Gardes Laëtitia, Fall A.G., Diop M., Mall Iba, Balenghien Thomas, Baldet Thierry, Gimonneau Geoffrey, Garros Claire, Bouyer Jérémy. 2016. . Lisbonne : E-SOVE, 1 poster E-SOVE Conference. 20, Lisbon, Portugal, 2 Octobre 2016/6 Octobre 2016.

Identification of a Tsal1 52–75 salivary synthetic peptide to monitor cattle exposure to tsetse flies. Somda Martin Bienvenu, Cornelie Sylvie, Bengaly Zakaria, Mathieu-Daudé Françoise, Poinsignon Anne, Dama Emilie, Bouyer Jérémy, Sidibé Issa, Demettre Edith, Seveno Martial, Remoue Franck, Sanon Antoine, Bucheton Bruno. 2016. Parasites and Vectors, 9 (149), 12 p.

Influence des activités agricoles sur la végétation le long d'un gradient pluviométrique nord-sud du Burkina Faso. Akoudjinb Massouroudini, Kiéma Sébastien, Sangaré Mamadou, César Jean, Bouyer Jérémy, Kaboré Zoungrana Chantal. 2016. VertigO, 16 (1), 16 p.

Influence of temperature and relative humidity on survival and fecundity of three tsetse strains. Pagabeleguem Soumaïla, Ravel Sophie, Dicko Ahmadou Hamady, Vreysen Marc J.B., Parker Andrew Gordon, Takac Peter, Huber Karine, Sidibé Issa, Gimonneau Geoffrey, Bouyer Jérémy. 2016. Parasites and Vectors, 9 (520), 13 p.

Insecticide and repellent mixture pour-on protects cattle against animal trypanosomosis. Gimonneau Geoffrey, Alioum Yaya, Abdoulmoumini Mamoudou, Zoli André, Cene Bila, Adakal Hassane, Bouyer Jérémy. 2016. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 10 (12):e0005248, 16 p.

Insight on the larval habitat of Afrotropical Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in the Niayes area of Senegal, West Africa. Bakhoum Mame Thierno, Fall Assane Gueye, Bassene Chiavaroli K., Baldet Thierry, Seck Momar Talla, Bouyer Jérémy, Garros Claire, Gimonneau Geoffrey. 2016. Parasites and Vectors, 9 (462), 10 p.

Range expansion of the Bluetongue vector, Culicoides imicola, in continental France likely due to rare wind-transport events. Jacquet Stéphanie, Huber Karine, Pagès Nonito, Talavera Sandra, Burgin Laura E., Carpenter Simon, Sanders Christopher, Dicko Ahmadou Hamady, Djerbal Mouloud, Goffredo Maria, Lhor Youssef, Lucientes Javier, Miranda-Chueca Miguel Angel, Pereira da Fonseca Isabel, Ramilo David, Setier-Rio Marie-Laure, Bouyer Jérémy, Chevillon Christine, Balenghien Thomas, Guis Hélène, Garros Claire. 2016. Scientific Reports, 6 (27247), 14 p.

Spatio-temporal genetic variation of the biting midge vector species Culicoides imicola (Ceratopogonidae) Kieffer in France. Jacquet Stéphanie, Huber Karine, Guis Hélène, Setier-Rio Marie-Laure, Goffredo Maria, Allene Xavier, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Chevillon Christine, Bouyer Jérémy, Baldet Thierry, Balenghien Thomas, Garros Claire. 2016. Parasites and Vectors, 9 (141), 12 p.

Sterile insect technique: Mature sterile male pupae packaging protocol. Pagabeleguem Soumaïla, Rayaissé Jean-Baptiste, Seck Momar Talla, Parker A., Adun H., Takac Peter, Carnogursky J., Vreysen Marc J.B., Sidibé I., Gimonneau Geoffrey, Bouyer Jérémy. 2016. s.l. : s.n., 6 p.

Variations in attack behaviours between Glossina palpalis gambiensis and G. tachinoides# in a gallery forest suggest host specificity. Salou Ernest Wendemanegde, Rayaissé Jean-Baptiste, Kaba Dramane, Djohan Vincent, Yoni Wilfrid, Barry Issiaka, Dofini F., Bouyer Jérémy, Solano Philippe. 2016. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 30 (4) : 403-409.
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Do tsetse flies only feed on blood? Solano Philippe, Salou Ernest Wendemanegde, Rayaissé Jean-Baptiste, Ravel Sophie, Gimonneau Geoffrey, Traore Ibrahima, Bouyer Jérémy. 2015. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 36 : 184-189.

Quality of sterile male tsetse after long distance transport as chilled, irradiated pupae. Seck Momar Talla, Pagabeleguem Soumaila, Bassene Mireille, Fall Assane Gueye, Diouf Thérèse A.R., Sall Baba, Vreysen Marc J.B., Rayaissé Jean-Baptiste, Takac Peter, Sidibé Issa, Parker Andrew Gordon, Mutika Gratian N., Bouyer Jérémy, Gimonneau Geoffrey. 2015. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 (11):e0004229, 13 p.

Tsetse diversity and abundance in Southern Burkina Faso in relation with the vegetation. Rayaissé Jean-Baptiste, Salou Ernest Wendemanegde, Kiéma Sébastien, Akoudjin Massouroudini, Kaba Dramane, Kagbadouno Moise S., Djohan Vincent, Camara Mamadou, Dayo Guiguigbaza-Kossigan, Courtin Fabrice, Solano Philippe, Bouyer Jérémy. 2015. Parasitology Research, 114 (9) : 3357-3363.


Capripoxvirus G-protein-coupled chemokine receptor : a host-range gene suitable for virus animal origin discrimination. Le Goff Christian, Euloge Lamien Charles, Fakhfakh Emna, Chadeyras Amélie, Aba-Adulugba Elexpeter, Libeau Geneviève, Tuppurainen Eeva, Wallace David B., Adam Tajelser, Silber Roland, Gulyaz Vely, Madani Hafsa, Caufour Philippe, Hammami Salah, Diallo Adama, Albina Emmanuel. 2009. Journal of General Virology, 90 : 1967-1977.

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