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Nombre de documents : 11.

Growth and maintenance respiration of roots of clonal Eucalyptus cuttings: Scaling to stand-level. Thongo M'Bou Armel, Saint André Laurent, De Grandcourt Agnès, Nouvellon Yann, Jourdan Christophe, Mialoundama Fidèle, Epron Daniel. 2010. Plant and Soil, 332 (1-2) : 41-53.

Impact of common European tree species on the chemical and physicochemical properties of fine earth: An unusual pattern. Mareschal Louis, Bonnaud Pascal, Turpault Marie Pierre, Ranger Jacques. 2010. European Journal of Soil Science, 61 (1) : 14-23.

Influência das plantações tropicais de eucaliptos sobre os ciclos do carbono, da agua e dos nutrientes : avanços recentes no Brasil e no Congo. Laclau Jean-Paul, Nouvellon Yann, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Stape Jose Luiz, Ranger Jacques, Le Maire Guerric, Campoe Otavio C., Marsden Claire, Krushe A.V., Piccolo Marisa de Cassia, Moreira M.Z., Mareschal Louis, Da Rocha Humberto R., Barrichelo L.E.G., Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2010. In : Seminário Internacional Ciências Florestais, Medicina Preventiva e Saúde Pública, 14 de outubro de 2010, São Paulo. FAPESP. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (36 vues) Seminário Internacional Ciências Florestais, Medicina Preventiva e Saúde Pública, Sao Paulo, Brésil, 14 Octobre 2010.

Organic residue mass at planting is an excellent predictor of tree growth in Eucalyptus plantations established on a sandy tropical soil. Laclau Jean-Paul, Levillain Joseph, Deleporte Philippe, Nzila Jean de Dieu, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Saint André Laurent, Versini Antoine, Mareschal Louis, Nouvellon Yann, Thongo M'Bou Armel, Ranger Jacques. 2010. Forest Ecology and Management, 260 (12) : 2148-2159.

Precipitation as driver of carbon fluxes in 11 African ecosystems. Merbold L., Ardö Junas, Arneth Almur, Scholes Robert J., Nouvellon Yann, De Grandcourt Agnès, Archibald S., Bonnefond Jean-Marc, Boulain N., Brueggemann N., Bruemmer C., Cappelaere Bernard, Ceschia Eric, El-Khidir H.A.M., El-Tahir B.A., Falk U., Lloyd Jon, Kergoat Laurent, Le Dantec Valérie, Mougin Eric, Muchinda M., Mukelabai M.M., Ramier D., Roupsard Olivier, Timouk F., Veenendaal Elmar M., Kutsch Werner L.. 2009. Biogeosciences, 6 (6) : 1027-1041.

Rapid clay weathering in the rhizosphere of norway spruce and oak in an acid forest ecosystem. Calvaruso Christophe, Mareschal Louis, Turpault Marie Pierre, Leclerc Elisabeth. 2009. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 73 (1) : 331-338.

Stoichiometry of a dissolution reaction of a trioctahedral vermiculite at pH 2.7. Mareschal Louis, Ranger Jacques, Turpault Marie Pierre. 2009. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (2) : 307-319.

An outlook on the Sub-Saharan Africa carbon balance. Bombelli Antonio, Henry M., Castaldi S., Adu-Bredu Stephen, Arneth Almur, De Grandcourt Agnès, Grieco E., Kutsch Werner L., Lehsten V., Rasile A., Reichstein Markus, Tansey K., Weber Ulrich, Valentini Riccardo. 2009. Biogeosciences, 6 (10) : 2193-2205.

Guide pratique de vulgarisation agroforestière et fruitière : fiches techniques. Mombandzo Jean Roger, Charbonnier Bruno. 2008. s.l. : s.n., 135 p.

Soil CO2 effluxes, soil carbon balance, and early tree growth following savannah afforestation in Congo : Comparison of two site preparation treatments. Nouvellon Yann, Epron Daniel, Kinana Antoine, Hamel Olivier, Mabiala André, D'Annunzio Rémi, Deleporte Philippe, Saint André Laurent, Marsden Claire, Roupsard Olivier, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2008. Forest Ecology and Management, 255 (5-6) : 1926-1936.

Literature review on current methodologies to assess C balance in CDM afforestation/reforestation projects and a few relevant alternatives for assessing water and nutrient balance, as a complement to carbon sequestration assessments : Project no 037132. CARBOAFRICA. Quantification, understanding and prediction fo carbon cycle, and other GHG gases, in Sub-Saharan Africa. Work pagage N°6. Saint André Laurent, Roupsard Olivier, Marsden Claire, Thongo M'Bou Armel, D'Annunzio Rémi, De Grandcourt Agnès, Jourdan Christophe, Derrien Delphine, Picard Nicolas, Zeller Bernd, Harmand Jean-Michel, Levillain Joseph, Henry Matieu, Nouvellon Yann, Deleporte Philippe, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2007. s.l. : s.n., 105 p.

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