
In-field behavior of banana plants (Musa AA sp.) obtained after regeneration of cryopreserved embryogenic cell suspensions

Côte François-Xavier, Goue O., Domergue Régis, Panis B., Jenny Christophe. 2000. In-field behavior of banana plants (Musa AA sp.) obtained after regeneration of cryopreserved embryogenic cell suspensions. CryoLetters, 21 : 19-24.

Article de revue ; Article de revue à facteur d'impact
Texte intégral non disponible.

Résumé : This study describes the in-field behavior of bananas (#Musa# ¿AA' sp.) obtained after regeneration of cryopreserved embryogenic cell suspensions. Observations were focused on the classical vegetal development descriptors. We observed no significant differences between the cryopreserved-derived plants and the control plants with respect to the plant height and circumference, the number of leaves, the number of fruits, the fruit length, the fruit diameter and weight, the bunch weight and the date of harvest. During the first culture cycle, 2 out of 11 descriptors analyzed were however found to be différent between the control and the cryopreserved suspensions derived plants. These were the number of nodal clusters of the inflorescence (usually called "hands") and the date of flowering. These différences were, however, quite minor as the two cases together amounted to only 2 % of the control value. During the second cycle of culture, no significant difference between the two groups of plants was found whatever the parameter analysed. These results suggest that, with the experimental conditions of the study, there is no différence at the agronomic level between plants produced from cryopreserved embryogenic cell suspensions and control plants.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Musa, composante de rendement, expérimentation au champ, Embryogénèse somatique, micropropagation, variation somaclonale, milieu de culture, technique de culture

Classification Agris : F01 - Culture des plantes
F02 - Multiplication végétative des plantes

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Côte François-Xavier, CIRAD-FLHOR-BPA (FRA)
  • Domergue Régis, CIRAD-FLHOR-BPA (FRA)
  • Panis B.
  • Jenny Christophe, CIRAD-FLHOR-BPA (GLP)

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