
Caractérisation biologique, sérologique et moléculaire du cymbidium mosaic virus (CyMV) et des potyvirus du vanillier à la Réunion.

Gourdel Sébastien. 2000. Caractérisation biologique, sérologique et moléculaire du cymbidium mosaic virus (CyMV) et des potyvirus du vanillier à la Réunion.. Corte : Université de Corse Pascal Paoli, 34 p. Mémoire DESS : Ressources animales et végétales : Université de Corse Pascal Paoli

Texte intégral non disponible.

Résumé : Since 1996,vanilla vines (Vannilla fragans) decayed in shade houses, an intensified cultural practice initiated six years agp.Two kinds of viruses were identified, a potexvirus, the cymbidium mosaic virus (CyMV), and potyviruses. Twelve CyMV isolates amplified by RT-PCR showed high degree of homology in nucleic sequences of the capsid protein gene.Thus a single strains of CyMV might occured on vanilla vines in Reunion Islane. Eleven plant species among chenopodiaceaa, solanaceae, fabaceae, cucurbitaceae revealed no host for CyMV strain after mechanical inoculation tests .A kinetic study of CyVM in vanilla vine pointed out that mechanical transmission V.fragans to V. fragans was easy and that virus spreaded quicklu in all vanilla leaves. Detection of potyvirus varied greatly both of in time and space suggesting an heterogeneous distribution of these viruses in plant. Nonetheless no cross reactions was noted between antisera we used and potyviruses infecting vanilla in Reunion Island could be different from vanilla mosaic virus and vanilla necrosis virus previously described. Biological characterization of potyvirus unsucceeded mainly due to diagnostic instability. Four potyvirus were amplified by RT-PCR but sequencing step failed. Diagnostic tools for CyMV can be used for free CyVM plants certification. For potyviruses it will be necessary to produce new specific antisera and to improve characterization methods in order to study their variability, their kinetic in plant and finaly to develop a reliable method to control healthy planting materiels (résumé auteur).

Classification Agris : H20 - Maladies des plantes

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Gourdel Sébastien, CIRAD-FLHOR-PRH (REU)

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