Totté Philippe, Jongejan Frans, De Gee A.L.W., Wérenne John. 1994. Production of alpha interferon in Cowdria ruminantium infected cattle and its effect on infected endothelial cell cultures. Infection and Immunity, 62 (6) : 2600-2604.
Autre titre : La production d'interféron alpha chez des bovins infectés par Cowdria ruminantium et son effet sur les cultures de cellules endothéliales infectées
Résumé : Cattle that resisted experimental heatntwater infection caused by the rickettsia #Cowdria ruminantium# produced significant levels of circulating alpha-interferon (IFN-alpha) whereas animals that died from heartwater did not. #In vitro#, recombinant bovine IFN.alpha) was found to significantly reduce the yield of #Cowdria# organisms in bovine endothelial cells, but even at a high concentration (1,000 U/ml), IFN-alpha did not completely prevent the growth of #Cowdria# organisms in these cells. This limited inhibitory effect of IFN-alpha is in agreement with the #in vivo# situation where an infectious process has to take place to induce a protective immune response. Our results suggest that IFN-alpha produced #in vivo# in response to #Cowdria# infection may represent an efficient way to slow down the infection and allow the animal to mount a protective immune response. IFN-alpha is the first endogenously produced factor shown to have anti-#Cowdria# activity.
Mots-clés Agrovoc : bovin, Ehrlichia ruminantium, interféron
Classification Agris : L73 - Maladies des animaux
Auteurs et affiliations
- Totté Philippe
- Jongejan Frans
- De Gee A.L.W.
- Wérenne John
Autres liens de la publication
- Document en bibliothèque
- Localisation du document : BA_BR317 [(Bibliothèque de Baillarguet)]
Source : Cirad - Agritrop (
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