
Influence of litter management and soil preparation on the growth of an Eucalyptus replantation in the Congo

Nzila J.D., Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Hamel Olivier. 1997. Influence of litter management and soil preparation on the growth of an Eucalyptus replantation in the Congo. In : Conferencia IUFRO sobre silvicultura e Melhoramento de Eucaliptos. Anon. s.l. : IUFRO, 246-251. Silvicultura e Melhoramento de Eucaliptos, Salvador de bahia, Brésil, 24 Août 1997/29 Août 1997.

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Résumé : Since 1978,43,000 ha Eucalyptus hybride hve been planted in the Kouilou savannah, on highly desaturatet, ferralitic, santy ant chemically very poor soils. 1,000 ha have been alreaty repbnted and this area will highly increase in the next future.The replanting leats to new silvicultural issues. After harvesting a stand is charu terizet by interrows with shash residue (SI), interrows where íogs are stocket (Ll) and unloading interrows (UI). This heterogeneousness has to be managed for the replanting : sbsh hampers the soif preparation of SI ant the compaction ofthe Ul is supected to limittree growth.A triai was therefore "tablished to test croased effects of lister management (control, burning lister buried with a disc harrow) and site preparation (pitting, subsoiling. using 1 tine, subsoiling wing 3 tines). After 11 months the results are as follows : (1) The best treatment is "burning + subsoiling using 3 tines'.; comparet to the control treatment the gain is more than Im in height (ó.64 m vs 5.4S m) and 3.64 cm in girth (18.SS cm vs 14.91 cm) (2) The irteraction "lister management"* "site preparation" is not significant (3) The main effects "burningnand "subsoDing usina 3 tines are significantly better.The study is still too recent to conclude on te actuel impac of burning and subsoiling on growth. The next analyses will focus on the actual impact of theses factors on the variation of physical ant chemical soil properties.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus tereticornis, Eucalyptus grandis, litière forestière, croissance, travail du sol, sous solage, propriété physicochimique du sol, hybride

Mots-clés complémentaires : Eucalyptus platyphylla

Classification Agris : F62 - Physiologie végétale - Croissance et développement
K10 - Production forestière
P34 - Biologie du sol

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Nzila J.D.
  • Bouillet Jean-Pierre
  • Hamel Olivier

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