Ludovino R.R., Lobo I.J.B., Tourrand Jean-François, Da Veiga Jonas Bastos, Simao Neto Miguel.
1997. Livestock in the smallholders production system in the Marajo island fields, Para.
In : Anais da XXXIV reunniao da SBZ. SBZ
Titre portugais : A pecuaria no sistema de producao familiar dos campos da ilha de Marajo, Para
Autre titre : L'élevage dans les petites exploitations agricoles familiales de Marajo, Para
Résumé : A survey was carried out in 89 farms of the Marajo island native grassland, Para state, searching for basic knowledge about the reality and the importance of livestock in smallholders agriculture. In order to avoid risk, We farmers diversify their production systems. Food crops, occupying restricted surfaces, are essentially reserved to self-consumption. The major commecial cultures are pineapple, coconut and #açai# palm. Livestock, observed in 45 % of the sample, is based on extensive multipurpose buffalo (meat-milk-labour) and bovine (meat) husbandry on natural pastures of hydromorfic savannahs. This exploitation presents low animal performance, namely in the fertility and mortality rates, and consequently low income. Despite this reality, animal husbandry is more and more an increasing activity on on smallholders strategy on this region, phenomenon explained by its potential in meat and milk production, for familia consumption, and income, when compared with the others agricultural activities.
Mots-clés Agrovoc : exploitation agricole familiale, élevage, système d'exploitation agricole, système d'élevage, typologie, système de production
Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Amazonie, Brésil, Para
Mots-clés complémentaires : Diagnostic de situation
Classification Agris : E90 - Structure agraire
L01 - Élevage - Considérations générales
Auteurs et affiliations
- Ludovino R.R.
- Lobo I.J.B.
- Da Veiga Jonas Bastos
- Simao Neto Miguel
Autres liens de la publication
Source : Cirad - Agritrop (
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