
Small production and sustained development in the semiarid tropic: the necessity of suitable credit system

Caron Patrick, Silva P.C.G. Da. 1992. Small production and sustained development in the semiarid tropic: the necessity of suitable credit system. In : Impacts of CLIMATIC variations and Sustainable Development in Semi-Arid Regions. Fortaleza : ICID, 14 p. Impacts of CLIMATIC variations and Sustainable Development in Semi-Arid Regions, Fortaleza, Brésil, 27 Janvier 1992/1 Février 1992.

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Autre titre : Petits producteurs et dévéloppement durable dans les zones tropicales semi-arides : la nécessité d'un système de crédit adapté

Note générale : Special paper

Résumé : The semi-arid tropical regions all over the world are characterized by climatic risks associated to farming and cattle raisinq and to the adaptation of extensive cattle raising. In these regions the small producers adopt an accumulation logic that allows only for the reproduction of the social group. The majority of these regions is undergoing a period of crisis induced by reasons either of anthropic origin or not. The induced imbalance many times does not allow for the necessary accumulation to the reproduction of the social group. The consequences of this imbalance and the economical and social burden that it represents to the States, because of the migration from rural areas and of the environmental degradation, lead to the; -arousal of voluntarist practices for development implemented by regional, national and international institutions. The development and the intensification of these activities are limited by the climatic characteristics, by the problems related to the environmental preservation, by the extent of the investments and by the competitiveness with the production from other regions. The small producers' limited capacity for investment, made worse by the disappearance of their funds during periods of crises, emphasizes the importance of financing for rural activities, diversified and accessible to all. They are activities that can enhance the local workmanshi through the use of external funding ant that should try to boost the economical and social strategies of the local community. Not with standing by many reasons, the rural credit generally doesn't reach the small producer. The prerequisites that must be considered for the organization of a credit system accessible to the small producer are discussed hereby. An adapted financing system which doesn't leave aside the implementation of agriculturalist policies apt to secure economic space to the small production.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : crédit, zone semi-aride, zone tropicale

Classification Agris : E13 - Investissements, financement et crédit

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