
Isozyme variability of the genus Phytomonas : genetical, taxonomical and epidemiological significance

Guerrini F., Segur C., Gargani Daniel, Tibayrenc Michel, Dollet Michel. 1992. Isozyme variability of the genus Phytomonas : genetical, taxonomical and epidemiological significance. In : Phytomonas workshop = [Second atelier international Phytomonas]. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. International Phytomonas Workshop. 2, Santa Marta, Colombie, 5 Février 1992/8 Février 1992.

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Autre titre : Variabilité isosyme de Phytomonas : conséquences génétique, taxonomique et épidémiologique

Résumé : 31 #Phytomonas# stocks isolated from various hosts and a broad geographical range have been studied by isozyme electrophoresis (14 loci) and population genetics analysis. The total variability is considerable since many stocks share no allele. #Phytomonas# zymodemes behave as natural clones, as already proposed by us for several other protozoan species. These clones should be considered as taxonomic uni in all applied studies. Latex plants and phloemic plants (coconut and palm tree) harbor distinct sets of clones: hence latex plants studied in this article are probably not a reservoir for parasites of coconut and palm tree.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Phytomonas, génétique, taxonomie, épidémiologie, Cocos nucifera, Elaeis guineensis

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : France

Classification Agris : H20 - Maladies des plantes

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Guerrini F.
  • Segur C.
  • Gargani Daniel
  • Tibayrenc Michel
  • Dollet Michel

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