
Report on the visit to the RSUP Pulau Burung plantation, 15th - 24th August 2000

Bonneau Xavier. 2000. Report on the visit to the RSUP Pulau Burung plantation, 15th - 24th August 2000. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 25 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 1290

Rapport de mission
Texte intégral non disponible.

Résumé : The agronomy trials under way show that young coconut palm growth is largely affected by the presence of Sufetula in the environment. In trial RS CC 07 where Sufetula did not exist at the time of planting (the coconut palms were planted on newly cleared land far from adult palms), pest pressure is still low after 3 years. In trial RS ES 74 where the young coconut palms were planted immediately after felling of an adult coconut planting, pest pressure was very high right from planting and is depressing the growth of the young palms. In trial RS CC 07, we now have two distinctly clear populations of coconut palms: palms treated with insecticide on bare soil, where Sufetula pressure is kept low, and untreated palms on weed-covered soil, where Sufetula pressure is increasing with time. It is now a matter of knowing at what level of pressure the untreated coconut palms will react, and to what extent fruit-set will be depressed, compared to the treated palms. Two large trials in demonstration blocks are being considered. The first involves rehabilitation, testing a combination of 3 cultural techniques: complete bare soil, insecticide on the ground, and cocopeat mulch. The land is currently being prepared and treatments are due to begin in January 2001. The second involves replanting. the protocol is yet to be defined. The aim is to determine how long an interval should be maintained, depending on soil occupation, between felling and replanting with young coconut palms in an environment where Sufetula pressure is nil or very low, and how this low pressure can be maintained for as long as possible thereafter. We would also mention seednut harvesting in the collection for January 2001, and the thought we are giving to the use of organic fertilizers (coconut residue ash and canal algae) as a partial substitute for mineral fertilizers.

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Bonneau Xavier, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER (FRA)

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Source : Cirad - Agritrop (

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