
Trypanosomosis epidemiology and control in West Africa : Epidemiological diversity of trypanosomosis at a local level

De La Rocque Stéphane. 1999. Trypanosomosis epidemiology and control in West Africa : Epidemiological diversity of trypanosomosis at a local level. In : Regional tsetse and trypanosomosis control programme and EU-concerted action : integrated control of pathogenic trypanosomes and their vectors (ICPTV), Harare, 21-24 juin 1999. s.l. : s.n., 7 p. Integrated Control of Pathogenic Trypanosomes and their Vectors, Harare, Zimbabwe, 21 Juin 1999/24 Juin 1999.

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Auteurs et affiliations

  • De La Rocque Stéphane, CIRAD-EMVT-ECONAP (BFA)

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