
Differential adoption of direct-seeding in Guanajuato (Mexico) : a baseline diagnostic

Jourdain Damien, Triomphe Bernard, Arrelo Tostado Manuel. 2001. Differential adoption of direct-seeding in Guanajuato (Mexico) : a baseline diagnostic. In : Conservation agriculture, a worldwide challenge : Ist World congress on conservation agriculture. Garcia-Torres Luis (ed.), Benites José (ed.), Martinez-Vilela Armando (ed.). ECAF, FAO. Cordoba : XUL, 35-39. ISBN 84-932237-0-0 Congrès mondial d'agriculture de conservation. 1, Madrid, Espagne, 1 Octobre 2001/5 Octobre 2001.

Communication avec actes
Texte intégral non disponible.

Résumé : This poster studies the adoption of conservation tillage in the state of Guanajuato over the last decade to procure baseline information for a research program aiming at developing sustainable farming practices. The key questions included were as follows: what type of practices and cropping systems do farmers use? Are they aware of conservation techniques? Have they already tried some form of conservation tillage? Are there any differences in the pattern of adoption by agro-ecological zones, by farmer's type? The results show a significant amount of partial adoption of conservation tillage techniques, although there are differences according to the agro-ecological zone, and to the type of farmer. Adoption occurred mainly where irrigation is available, and for the summer cycle. Residues are not left on the soil surface but are exported from the field or burned. The combination of no-till and removal of residues seems to oblige farmers to revert periodically to conventional tillage.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : semis direct, adoption de l'innovation, travail du sol de conservation, système de culture, pratique culturale

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Mexique

Classification Agris : F07 - Façons culturales
F08 - Systèmes et modes de culture

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Jourdain Damien, CIRAD-CA-GEC (MEX) ORCID: 0000-0001-8707-5221
  • Triomphe Bernard, CIRAD-CA-GEC (MEX)
  • Arrelo Tostado Manuel, INIFAP (MEX)

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Source : Cirad - Agritrop (

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