
Inheritance of sex in two ZZ pseudofemale lines of tilapia Oreochromis aureus

Desprez Damien, Mélard Charles, Hoareau Marie-Claude, Bellemène Yohann, Bosc Pierre, Baroiller Jean-François. 2003. Inheritance of sex in two ZZ pseudofemale lines of tilapia Oreochromis aureus. Aquaculture, 218 : 131-140.

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Résumé : This paper reports a study on the sex determination system of the blue tilapia, Oreochromis aureus. Investigations were carried out using a pseudofemale line in two populations of O. aureus, known as Egyptian Population (EP) and Israel Population (IP). In O. aureus, males are the homogametic sex (ZZ/ZW), and sex reversal of fry with estradiol results in the production of some functional sexreversed fish with a female phenotype and ZZ male genotype, known as pseudofemales or [delta]-females. Crosses between ZZ pseudofemales and ZZ males theoretically should provide monosex ZZ male progeny only. We have studied the sex ratios of progeny from 43 IP (F2 to F3 generations) and 51 EP (F1 to F5 generations), pair-matings between normal males and pseudofemales. In IP, the male percentage in progenies ranged between 83% to 100% in F2 and 66% to 100% in F3. In EP, male percentage was more constant, varying from 88% to 100% in F1, from 96% to 100% in F3 and from 97% to 100% in F5. In EP, F2 and F4 pseudofernales produced only monosex male progeny. This apparent difference in sex ratio frequency distributions between the two O. aureus pseudofemale lines could be due to the selection of males. EP pseudofemales were mated with their siblings for F2 and F3 pseudofemales or with closely related males for F4 and F5 pseudofemales. Conversely, IP pseudofemales were crossed with nonrelated males originating from research center broodstock, resulting in a higher proportion of females in sex ratio of progenies from successive generations of pseudofemales. The role of inbreeding is discussed in the context of predominantly monofactorial sex chromosome determination system operating in this species, influenced by other factors (genetic and environmental). The present study also shows that it is possible to fix the male sex determining factors (Z sex chromosome and genetic factors) in a line of pseudofernales, producing a high percentage of male progeny in five successive generations.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Oreochromis aureus, sexage, chromosome

Classification Agris : M12 - Production de l'aquaculture

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Desprez Damien, ARDA (REU)
  • Mélard Charles, Centre de Recherches et de Formation en Aquaculture (BEL)
  • Hoareau Marie-Claude, ARDA (REU)
  • Bellemène Yohann, ARDA (REU)
  • Bosc Pierre, ARDA (REU)
  • Baroiller Jean-François, CIRAD-EMVT-PPA (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0002-0992-1725

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