
Conglomeration of traditional cheese making industries in the surroundings of Turrialba volcano in Costa Rica

Cascante Sanchez Maricela. 2003. Conglomeration of traditional cheese making industries in the surroundings of Turrialba volcano in Costa Rica. In : Les systèmes agroalimentaires localisés : produits, entreprises et dynamiques locales, Montpellier, France, 16 - 18 octobre 2002 = Local agri-food systems, Montpellier (France), October, 16th to 18th, 2002 ; Sistemas agroalimentarios localizados, Montpellier (Francia), del 16 al 18 de octubre de 2002 : Held in Montpellier (France), on october, 16th to 18th, 2002. GIS SYAL, INRA, CIRAD, CNEARC, Agropolis muséum, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, UM1. Montpellier : CIRAD-TERA Colloque International sur les Systèmes Agroalimentaires Localisés (SYAL), Montpellier, France, 16 Octobre 2002/18 Octobre 2002.

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Résumé : In the surroundings of Turrialba volcano in Costa Rica, for more than 100 years, a culture of cattle raising and dairy products elaboration has been developed. As a consequence of this, in this area can be identified a conglomeration of rural agroindustry (RAI) that involves about 175 cheese making industries, some of them are traditional cheese making industries and some are miniplants of the inductive RAI type. This conglomerate of RAI presents a series of internal communication and interaction that has allowed to develop certain social capital. Among the evidences of this social capital are: The relationships between the diverse actors who interact in this group; and the capacity for transmission of information at the internal level. The main actors in this group have identified some advantages and disadvantages of the conglomerate and this information along with the SWOT analysis, offer the possible options to develop and activate this SIAL.

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Cascante Sanchez Maricela, UCR (CRI)

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Source : Cirad - Agritrop (

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