
Coconut sector development project. Report on the mission from 25 September to 9 October 2003

Calvez Claude-Hervé, Dery Sylvester Kuuna. 2003. Coconut sector development project. Report on the mission from 25 September to 9 October 2003. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 30 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 1657

Rapport de mission
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Résumé : In compliance with the terms of reference for this mission, the different agronomy components of the CSDP were examined with the Director of the OPRI Coconut Programme, and the recommendations in this report are made jointly by CIR.AD and OPRI.- Planting material production: CSDP has achieved a good command of all operations relating to the setting up and the management of seed gardens for hybrid production; Ayinasi seed garden management: The management of CSDP has implemented in year 2001, with a high efficiency, the recommendations given by OPRI/CIRAD to reduce the rate of seed nut illegitimacy. Due to the difficulties (age of the trees in particular) to carry out the seed production operations, it will be difficult to improve this achievement. Pollen consumption for the seed garden management (analysis of the ratio of pollen quantities used to pollinations carried out), fully complies with the norms recommended by CIRAD. High seed nuts production is expected in 2003. By the end of June 2003, 83,708 seed nuts had been harvested. 59, 794 seed nuts were harvested in 2002 for the same period (increase of 30%). Dropping of immature nuts is still observed ( 5 % of total nuts harvested), and as it is now confrrmed, that neither Phytophthora nor Pseudotheraptus are the cause of the dropping of nuts, new investigations will be undertaken by the Applied research Unit of OPRI (study of the correlation between monthly rainfall and monthly dropping of nuts, possible role of Eriophes, which is developing at Aiyinasi, soil compaction, ... ). Bonsaso seed garden (MYD and SGD) in Western Region: Although the difficulties faced by the Project in establishing the seed garden (late land acquisition and problems faced for the land preparation), it could be possible to start the exploitation of part of this new seed garden by the end of the year 2004 or latest by mid-year 2005. Expected seed production will allow the planting of 300, 1,150 and 1,400 ha of new plantings in 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively. Project to set up a new seed garden at Assin Amoabin in Central Region: The project has encountered difficulties in the acquisition of land for the establishment of the proposed new Seed Garden at Assin Amoabin in the Central Region and this has compelled the project to start looking elsewhere for suitable land for the seed garden. Management of the nurseries: The project has a professional command of all operations relating to seed bed and polybag nursery management.- Replanting programme: CSDP has a good command of the technical procedures for the setting up of new plantings. By the end of June 2003, 1,028 hectares have been planted since the beginning of the Project, i.e 85 % of the target of the Project (1.200 ha). In zones, where phytosanitary problems ( Oryctes, termites) are not very severe, trees are starting to flower between 2.5 and 3 years after planting, as against the scheduled 3.5/4 years in the project appraisal report. To have a good evaluation of the achievements of the replanting programme, it is planned that CSDP, will complete by February 2004, the following objectives: finalization of a general map indicating the location of the replanted farms since the beginning of the Project (computers facilities have been purchased by the project), recapitulation of inventory of the performance of individual farms, to evaluate, district by district, their agronomic performance (flowering date in particular), in regards of their phytosanitary environment (pests and diseases), soil and climate conditions. This will enable CSDP to zone all the replanted farms, district by district, and evaluate the ability of the farmers to repay the loan in relation to the effect of phytosanitary problems ( Oryctes, termites, drought), on the growth and development of the palms. Farmers are very confident with the replanting programme and by the end of June, 2003, the project has received over 1,500 applications from farmers amounting to more than 2.000 ha to be replanted. Problems encountered on the May-June 2003 planting operations Due to an abrupt end of rains in June, the management of the Project has wisely decided, to stop all the planting operations at the beginning of July and to keep the seedlings in nursery for planting, in Western Region (if sufficient rains resume), during the minor rainy season (October-November 2003). If not, seedlings will be kept in the nursery to be planted in May-June 2004.- Intensification programme: The choice of plantations for the 2002 and 2003 intensification programme has been re-centred on the coastal zone in the central and western part of Jomoro district, (a zone where the effect of intensification is maximum) and where the farmers have no other alternative to coconut cultivation. To have a good evaluation of the achievements of the replanting programme, it is planned that CSDP, will complete by February 2004, the following objectives: finalization of a general map indicating the location, in Western Region, of the intensified plantations since the beginning of the project, evaluation of the economic returns of the effect of the intensification on farmers' plantations for confirmation of the results achieved on the trials conducted by the Applied Research Unit of OPRI, in collaboration with CIRAD.- CIRAD-CP technical support programme: With the progression of the project, it has become necessary to make amendments to the schedule of visits of CIRAD consultants. It is also proposed to set aside the remaining days for any unforeseen problem that might require a visit of any CIRAD consultant for additional contnbution. This will be determined after the external evaluation of the Project to be carried out in Juanary 2004. This proposal will be presented for approval (if no objection from AFD), at the next meeting of the Steering Committee of CSDP to be held early February 2004.- National executive training programme: The Agence Française de Developpement (AFD) is funding a project for the revival of the coconut smallholder sector in Mozambique. Under this Project, there are plans to fund scientific and technical exchanges, notably through mutual visits, between Ghanaian and Mozambican coconut specialists.

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Calvez Claude-Hervé, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER (FRA)
  • Dery Sylvester Kuuna, OPRI (GHA)

Source : Cirad - Agritrop (

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