Hernaiz Santiago Ignacio, Alvarado José Roberto, Châtel Marc, Ospina Yolima. 2003. Creacion de la poblacion PQUI-2 con tolerancia a frio para seleccion recurrente en arroz. Fitotecnia Colombiana, 3 (2) : 38-42.
Résumé : The cooperative rice program of INIA, Chile and CIRAD - CIAT, Colombia, decided to increase the variability of the rice (Oryza sativa L.) population, PQUI-1CH, constituted by japonica types with cold tolerance and destined to make an improvement of the population by recurrent selection. During the third recombination of this population (PQUI-10H73717), it was crossed with: five chilean lines, one of IRRI, Filipinas, five of CIRAD, France - Madagascar and one of the cooperative program between INIA, Chile and CIAT Colombia. The introgresion of these materials gave origin to PQUI-2, a now population that will be used In recurrent selection. This now population was composed by PQUI-1\CH\3\1 (50%); PRA 767-5CH (8,20%); PRA 775-1CH (4,78%); IRRI 13155-4-1 (5,75%); CH 410-2 (3,10%); PRA 741-1CH (1,55%); PRA 737-1CH (0,51%); QUILA 12304 (2.15%), QUILA 68405 (3,40%); TUC 25 (2,41%); CH 530-14(3,70%); PRA 760-1CH (13,15%), and CINIA 1014 (1,30%). The population was developed in INIA, Chile. The first recombination cycle was done in CIAT, Colombia, and the second in INIA, Chile.
Mots-clés Agrovoc : Oryza sativa, sélection récurrente, amélioration des plantes, tolérance au froid
Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Chili, Colombie
Classification Agris : F30 - Génétique et amélioration des plantes
Auteurs et affiliations
- Hernaiz Santiago Ignacio, INIA (CHL)
- Alvarado José Roberto, INIA (CHL)
- Châtel Marc, CIRAD-CA-CALIM (COL)
- Ospina Yolima, CIAT (COL)
Autres liens de la publication
- Document en bibliothèque
- Localisation du document : CD_BR12222 [(Bibliothèque de Lavalette)] ; CD_BR1503 [(Bibliothèque de Lavalette)] ; CD_SM394 [(Bibliothèque de Lavalette)]
Source : Cirad - Agritrop (https://agritrop.cirad.fr/519446/)
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