
Effects of chlorine and potassium mineral nutrition on the leaf morphology of the PB 121 hybrid coconut palm (Malayan yellow dwarf x West African tall)

Mialet-Serra Isabelle, Bonneau Xavier. 2004. Effects of chlorine and potassium mineral nutrition on the leaf morphology of the PB 121 hybrid coconut palm (Malayan yellow dwarf x West African tall). CORD. Coconut Research and Development, 20 (2) : 1-11.

Article de revue ; Article de revue à comité de lecture
Version publiée - Anglais
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Résumé : The effects of chlorine and potassium on the leaf morphology of 6-year-old PB 121 hybrid coconut palms were studied in 1995 and 1996 in southern Lampung (South Sumatra, Indonesia). The parameters considered were frond and leaflet size (length, maximum width, area) and their number. Chlorine and potassium had an exclusive effect on leaflet size, increasing their area. Potassium primarily affected petiole length, hence total frond length. Synergy between these two ions only occurred for the number of leaflets. Chlorine and potassium acted independently on stem diameter and synergistically on height Coconut palms receiving potassium or chlorine had significantly more voluminous leaf crowns. As time went by, this phenomenon increased despite constant monthly leaf emission. In a situation of equilibrium, the much larger mean crown area and leaf area index of coconuts receiving chlorine and potassium augured well for an earlier start to bearing and higher nut yields.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Cocos nucifera, anatomie végétale, potassium, chlore, feuille

Classification Agris : F50 - Anatomie et morphologie des plantes
F61 - Physiologie végétale - Nutrition
F01 - Culture des plantes

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Mialet-Serra Isabelle, CIRAD-AMIS-AGRONOMIE (FRA)
  • Bonneau Xavier, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER (FRA)

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