
Report on the mission to GOPDC oil palm estates (Ghana) 20 to 24 November 2004

Bonneau Xavier. 2005. Report on the mission to GOPDC oil palm estates (Ghana) 20 to 24 November 2004. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 76 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 1808

Rapport de mission
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Résumé : Trial GH ES 01 is continuing to show an absence of response to fertilization in old oil palms. It will run for a further year then the palms will be felled at the end of 2005. We have enough data to confirm that fertilization can be halted on old palms, at least three years before the felling date. Trial GH ES 02 is showing good vegetative growth and a good start to bearing in young palms. This is a proof that cultivation of oil palm in valley bottom can be recommended in a hilly landscape like Okumaning. Flanamat is a promising fertilizer. Knowing that potassium is the most sensitive nutrient, we support the use of a new formula of Flanamat which is enriched in K: from 4-3-8 to 3-2-13. A new trial, GH ES 03, will be set up in 2005 to test Sulpomag fertilizer, a natural potassic and magnesic fertilizer which could be used to fertilize palms in blocks of "organic oil". Its inconvenience is the absence of CI nutrient compared to KCI. Additional chlorine (in the form of NaCl) will be tested in this trial, in order to measure the specific response of oil palms to chlorine nutrient. For mature palms in the Nucleus, EFB application should be continued by order of increasing age, and applications should be totally halted on the old palms. For the Smallholders and Outgrowers, a rate of 6 kg of Flanamat per palm per year is recommended. We confirm also the good performance of oil palms planted in valley bottoms (in line with the results recorded at Okumaning in trial GH ES 02). Due also to favourable rainfall distribution in the preceding years, a very good yield is expected during first semester 2005. At Okumaning, Panicum control is going well, Flanamat is starting to be applied rather than compound fertilizer on palms in valley bottoms. If the good performance of Flanamat is confirmed in trial GH ES 02 in 2005, we could recommend generalizing its use.

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Bonneau Xavier, CIRAD-CP-COCOTIER (FRA)

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