Fok Michel, Liang Weili, Wang Guiyan, Wu Yuhong. 2004. I risultati positivi della diffusione del cotone Bt in Cina : limiti al trasferimento dell esperienza cinese in altri paesi in via di sviluppo. Nuovo Diritto Agrario, 9 (3) : 45-67.
Résumé : Comparative studies in few developing countries tend to confirm the positive outcomes of using Genetically Modified Varieties (GMVs) of cotton, in particular in China. Through the recent survey we conducted in Hebei Province of this country, we provide additional information to invalidate, at least in China, the arguments some people oppose to the dissemination of GMVs in developing countries. We nevertheless doubt that similar positive outcomes could be extrapolated to other developing countries. In China, the Government succeeded in imposing specific institutional arrangements that help the farmers to accede to Bt-cotton technology at reasonable cost and to take advantage of the competition set up between the national and foreign varieties. Thirteen individual factors are identified to have contributed to the positive outcomes achieved in China: these factors are only partially encountered in developing countries, including India and Brazil. Most of the developing countries can only benefit from the Chinese experience by acknowledging that the provision of the Bt-cotton technology has become more competitive in the world than before and take advantage of this competition to obtain more acceptable costs in its adoption. The Chinese case introduces the debate that the Gene Revolution might be only a further stage of the Green Revolution, hence hard to catch for those developing countries which missed this latter.
Mots-clés Agrovoc : Gossypium, organisme génétiquement modifié, petite exploitation agricole, coût d'utilisation, intervention de l'état
Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Chine
Classification Agris : E10 - Économie et politique agricoles
F30 - Génétique et amélioration des plantes
Auteurs et affiliations
ORCID: 0000-0001-8709-5687
- Liang Weili, Agricultural University of Hebei (CHN)
- Wang Guiyan, Agricultural University of Hebei (CHN)
- Wu Yuhong, Agricultural University of Hebei (CHN)
Autres liens de la publication
- Document en bibliothèque
- Localisation du document : CD_BR1142 [(Bibliothèque de Lavalette)]
Source : Cirad - Agritrop (
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