
Creating low management plant types for resources poor farmers in rainfed ecosystems (Project 1.4) : West African Rice Development Association (WARDA). December 2004

Ahmadi Nourollah. 2004. Creating low management plant types for resources poor farmers in rainfed ecosystems (Project 1.4) : West African Rice Development Association (WARDA). December 2004. Montpellier : CIRAD-CA, 49 p.

Document technique et de recherche
Texte intégral non disponible.

Résumé : 2. PROJECT: P1.4 Creating Low Management Plant Types for Resource-Poor Farmers in Rainfed Ecosystems. The Project goal is to develop "New rice plant types well adapted to low-input upland, hydromorphic and rainfed lowland ecosystems, through interspecific crossing to combine component traits from O. sativa for higher grain yield and enhanced stress-resistance traits from O. glaberrima and indigenous wild species". Because no Logical framework exists, the project documents do not allow a clear identification of the project outlines, outputs and activities. On the basis of the milestones, the EC monitoring team has decided to focus its analysis on five outputs. Output 1: Determination of mechanisms and genetic bases of low management plant type in O. glaberrima. Output 2: Determination of the mechanisms and genetic bases of resistance / tolerance of O. glaberrima to major biotic and abiotic stresses: weed competitiveness, blast, RYMV, AfRGM, drought, acidity, nitrogen and/or phosphorous deficiency, iron toxicity. Output 3: Marker assisted selection method for resistance / tolerance to major biotic and abiotic stresses. Output 4: Improved lines with high yield potential and resistance / tolerance to major stresses for upland and hydromorphic ecosystems. Output 5: Improved lines with high yield potential, and resistance / tolerance to major stresses for rainfed lowland ecosystem. The project is part of WARDA's Program 1, Rainfed rice which is composed of 6 projects. The outputs 4 and 5 of P1.4 are also displayed in two other projects in Program 1. These projects are P1.1 "Sustainable Intensification of Lowland Rice-Based Systems" and P1.2 "Stabilization of Upland Rice-Based Systems under Shortened Fallow". These projects provide the uptake pathways for the results of the project P1.4 which is not directly connected to NARS. The uptake pathway with NARSs is ensured through the ROCARIZ (Réseau Ouest et Centre African du Riz) network.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : riz, Oryza, variété, petite exploitation agricole, culture pluviale, projet de recherche, coopération

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Asie, Amérique latine, région méditerranéenne

Classification Agris : F30 - Génétique et amélioration des plantes

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