
El arroz de secano, nueva opcion de cultivo para la region cafetera de Colombia. Estudio agronomico del sistema arroz (Oryza sativa L.) intercalado con siembras nuevas de café (Coffea arabica L.)

Moreno Berrocal Argemiro Miguel, Châtel Marc, Ospina Yolima, Borrero Jaime, Guimaraes Elcio Perpetuo. 2004. El arroz de secano, nueva opcion de cultivo para la region cafetera de Colombia. Estudio agronomico del sistema arroz (Oryza sativa L.) intercalado con siembras nuevas de café (Coffea arabica L.). Fitotecnia Colombiana, 4 (1) : 9-17.

Article de revue ; Article de revue à comité de lecture
Texte intégral non disponible.

Résumé : Production of upland rice in the hillsides of the Colombian coffee zone, is an option for both food security and land use of young coffee plantation rows by inter-cropping biannual rice crops without affecting coffee production. To evaluate the effect of two cycles of rice cultivation on young coffee plantations one experiment was conducted at the experimental stations La Catalina, Pereira - Risaralda, and Naranjal, Chinchiná - Caldas. The treatments were conformed according to a factorial design (3x3 + coffee check) of rice densities (60, 80 y 100 kg/ha) and spatial arrangement of coffee (1.00x1.00, 2.00x1.00 y 1.42x1 .42m). In order to get the same density of 10.000 coffee plants/ha; two plants per site were sown in the coffee's arrangements of 2.00x1.00 and 1.42x1 .42m. It was used the completely random blocks designs in split plots, with coffee spatial arrangement as main plots and rice densities as subplots. Coffee variety Colombia and upland rice line CT10069-27-3-1-4 (CIRAD 445) were uses as crop species. At La Catalina, Coffee did not affect rice production and coffee yield varied with spatial arrangement. Consequently, it is feasible to have two cycles of rice inter-cropped with young coffee plantations, with three rows of rice between coffee rows, without effect on coffee yield. At Naranjal, Rice did not affect coffee production and vice versa. Therefore, it is feasible to grow two cropping seasons of rice in association with young coffee plantations.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Oryza sativa, système de culture, culture intercalaire, Coffea arabica

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Colombie

Classification Agris : F07 - Façons culturales

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Moreno Berrocal Argemiro Miguel, CENICAFE (COL)
  • Châtel Marc, CIRAD-CA-CALIM (COL)
  • Ospina Yolima, CIAT (COL)
  • Borrero Jaime, CIAT (COL)
  • Guimaraes Elcio Perpetuo, FAO (ITA)

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