Duranton Jean-François, Monard Annie. 2005. Contribution to the bioecological study of two Peruvian locusts, Schistocerca cf. interrita Scudder, 1899 and Schistocerca piceifron peruviana Lynch Arribalzaga, 1903 (Orthoptera : Cyrtacanthacridinae). Metaleptea, n.s., Résumé : 34. International Conference of the Orthopterists' Society. 9, Canmore, Canada, 14 Août 2005/19 Août 2005.
Résumé : During several years (1997-2003), the departments of Lambayeque and Cajamarca suffered from a plague due to Schistocerca cf. interrita Scudder 1899 while recurrent infestations of Schistocerca piceifrons peruviana Lynch Arribalzaga, 1903 were persisting in the central-south of the country. Following a request from the Peruvian Government, an "Assistance programme for locust control in Peru" (FAO Project TCP/PER/0065) was carried out and funded by FAO own resources (200-2003). An HQ staff member and consultants were fielded in the outbreak areas of the Peruvian locusts. These missions allowed the supervision of the national staff from SENASA (National Plant Protection and Animal Health Service of the Ministry of Agriculture) involved in the locust control, bio-ecological observations and synthesis of the available data. Based on a better knowledge of the bio-ecology of the concerned locusts, the assessment of the situation resulted in an operational strategy for survey and preventive control of the Peruvian locusts. A comparison of the bio-ecology and the biogeography of the two main locust pests present in Peru is presented by the authors. (Texte intégral)
Mots-clés Agrovoc : Schistocerca, biogéographie, biologie, écologie animale, surveillance
Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Pérou
Mots-clés complémentaires : Schistocerca cf. interrita, Ischistocerca piceifrons peruviana, Recommandation
Classification Agris : H10 - Ravageurs des plantes
Champ stratégique Cirad : Axe 1 (2005-2013) - Intensification écologique
Auteurs et affiliations
- Duranton Jean-François, CIRAD-AMIS-UPR Acridologie (FRA)
- Monard Annie, CIRAD-AMIS-UPR Acridologie (ITA)
Autres liens de la publication
- Localisation du document : CD_BR1675 [(Bibliothèque de Lavalette)]
Source : Cirad - Agritrop (https://agritrop.cirad.fr/528209/)
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