
Oryza sativa Magnaporthe grisea : a model system for non-host interaction in cereals

Faivre-Rampant Odile, Thomas J., Bily A., Allègre Mathilde, Tharreau Didier, Morel Jean-Benoit, Nottéghem Jean-Loup, Lebrun Marc-Henri, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Piffanelli Pietro. 2006. Oryza sativa Magnaporthe grisea : a model system for non-host interaction in cereals. In : Journées Jean Chevaugeon : VIe rencontres de phytopathologie - mycologie de la Societé française de phytopathologie du 15 au 19 janvier 2006 [Résumés]. Fernandez Diana (ed.), Carlier Jean (ed.), Tharreau Didier (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, IRD, Bayer cropscience, SFP. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 55. Journées Jean Chevaugeon, Rencontres de phytopathologie-mycologie. 6, Aussois, France, 15 Janvier 2006/19 Janvier 2006.

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Résumé : Resistance shown by a plant species to the majority of potentially pathogenic microbes is known as non-host resistance. The events leading to non-host resistance in plants represents one of the least understood phenomena and a remaining challenge in the field of plant-microbe interactions. Non-host resistance also represents one of the most promising defence mechanisms in developing durable resistance against plant pathogens, namely due to its effectiveness against a broad range of pathogen species and its durability in nature compared to race-specific R gene-dependent resistance. Rice-Magnaporthe grisea is a model pathosystem for race-specific cereal disease resistance study. At the species level, Magnaporthe grisea attack more than 50 monocots. However, at the strain level, this fungus exhibits a narrow host spectrum. We developed a biological model using rice cultivars and several non-host M grisea strains (pathogenic on barley and wheat) to elucidate mechanisms implicated in non-host interaction. Cytological analysis helped us to pinpoint where the fungus is blocked in rice-M. grisea non-host interactions. We analysed defence gene expression using real-time quantitative PCR in the different non-host interactions. A reverse genetic strategy is underway to target rice T-DNA insertion mutants (Génoplante, France) that could be potentially affected in non-host resistance. It is expected that this model will shade some light into the genetic basis of non-host resistance defining the signalling and effectors components involved in these phenomena in rice and applicable to other cereal species. (Texte intégral)

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Oryza sativa, Magnaporthe grisea, expression des gènes, résistance aux maladies, relation hôte pathogène, modèle

Classification Agris : H20 - Maladies des plantes
F30 - Génétique et amélioration des plantes

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Faivre-Rampant Odile, CIRAD-AMIS-UMR PIA (FRA)
  • Thomas J.
  • Allègre Mathilde, INRA (FRA)
  • Tharreau Didier, CIRAD-AMIS-UMR BGPI (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0003-3961-6120
  • Morel Jean-Benoit, INRA (FRA)
  • Nottéghem Jean-Loup, ENSAM [Ecole nationale supérieure agronomique de Montpellier] (FRA)
  • Lebrun Marc-Henri, CNRS (FRA)
  • Guiderdoni Emmanuel, CIRAD-AMIS-UMR PIA (FRA)
  • Piffanelli Pietro, CIRAD-AMIS-UMR BGPI (FRA)

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