
Is sequential feeding a suitable technique to compensate for the negative effects of a tropical climate in finishing broilers?

Lozano Carlos, De Basilio Vasco, Oliveros Ingrid, Alvarez Ramon, Colina Irina, Bastianelli Denis, Yahav Shlomo, Picard Michel. 2006. Is sequential feeding a suitable technique to compensate for the negative effects of a tropical climate in finishing broilers?. Animal Research, 55 : 71-76.

Article de revue ; Article de revue à facteur d'impact
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Titre français : L'alimentation séquentielle est-elle une technique utilisable pour compenser les effets négatifs d'un climat tropical chez les poulets de chair en finition ?

Résumé : Feed withdrawal during the warmest pan of the day (09:00 to 16:00 h) was compared with the distribution of ground corn and commercial feed consumed ad libitum by control broilers from 28 to 42 d exposed to tropical climatic conditions (averaged Ta = 25°C; Relative Humidity (RH)=72%). From 16:00 to 09:00 h, a continuous illumination was in the poultry shed and the chick-ens received a commercial diet. Each diet was supplied to 7 pens of 14 unsexed broilers. Both feed withdrawal and corn distribution during the day period reduced growth (P < 0.01) and deteriorated feed conversion (P < 0.01) compared to the ad libitum control. At the age of 41 d, the average body temperature (Tb) at 14:00 h in the control group was 42.36°C. It was higher (P < 0.002) than that recorded in the corn fed group (42.27°C) and the feed withdrawal chickens (42.11°C), These effects measured in 4-6 week-old broilers exposed to a moderate tropical climate, illustrate the limitation of feed restriction and sequential feeding under practical conditions. Further research is needed to study the diurnal distribution of corn or feed withdrawal coupled with a balanced diet richer in essential amino acids than the commercial diet during the nocturnal period.

Classification Agris : L02 - Alimentation animale

Champ stratégique Cirad : Axe 1 (2005-2013) - Intensification écologique

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Lozano Carlos, UCV (VEN)
  • De Basilio Vasco, UCV (VEN)
  • Oliveros Ingrid, INIA (VEN)
  • Alvarez Ramon, UCV (VEN)
  • Colina Irina, INIA (VEN)
  • Bastianelli Denis, CIRAD-EMVT-UPR Systèmes d'élevage (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0002-6394-5920
  • Yahav Shlomo, Institute of Anmial Science (ISR)
  • Picard Michel, INRA (FRA)

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