
Mycorrhizal symbioses : their potential for soil rehabillitation and ecological restoration

Prin Yves, Ducousso Marc, Perrier N., Jaffré Tanguy, Dumontet Vincent, Rigault Frédéric, Contesto Céline, Bonnan S., Cossegal Magalie, Amir Hamid, Nourissier-Mountou Sophie, Boucher M., Colin François, Dreyfus Bernard. 2003. Mycorrhizal symbioses : their potential for soil rehabillitation and ecological restoration. In : International Meeting on Preservation and Ecological Restoration in Tropical Mining Environments, abstracts, 15th - 20th Julu 2003, New Caledonia. IAC, IRD, UNC. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 20. International Meeting on Preservation and Ecological Restoration in Tropical Mining Environments, Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie, 15 Juillet 2003/20 Juillet 2003.

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Résumé : In New Caledonia, nickel mining activities have drastic impacts on a rich but particularly fragile environment. Mining companies are more and more concerned with the need to restore the degraded sites, in adverse edaphic conditions. Symbioses, both nitrogen-fixing and mycorrhizal, are known to play key roles in these processes in allowing the plant nutrition with major elements like N and P, in facilitating access and use of water, in stabilizing the soils through hyphal mats and possibly buffering metal toxicity. Over 30 years of field trials, a range of plants species have been identified as good candidates for revegetalisation and ecological restoration. About 38 genera, from 20 botanical families have thus been identified by Jaffré and Pelletier (1992). To optimise the use of these plants in ecological restoration, we explored their mycorrhizal status within their natural ecosystems and characterized their fungal partners. The aim of this work is to present the particular potential of some of the candidate plants in early revegetation steps, in compatibility with their natural environmental conditions. Among the 20 botanical families, almost half (9) have been reported as including ectomycorrhizal species, which is a quite huge rate compared to the rate of ectomycorrhization among plants. For 3 families, no reports have been found on their mycorrhizal status. Arbuscular associations have been reported for 17 families, of which 2 exhibits myconodules. The characteristics of these differents associations will be presented. (Texte intégral)

Mots-clés Agrovoc : conservation des sols, symbiose, Mycorhizé, terre abandonnée, écologie

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Nouvelle-Calédonie, France

Classification Agris : P34 - Biologie du sol
P01 - Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Prin Yves, CIRAD-FORET-PLANTATIONS (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0002-3706-0045
  • Perrier N., IRD (NCL)
  • Jaffré Tanguy, IRD (NCL)
  • Dumontet Vincent, CNRS (NCL)
  • Rigault Frédéric, IRD (NCL)
  • Contesto Céline, CIRAD-AMIS-UMR LSTM (FRA)
  • Cossegal Magalie, CIRAD-AMIS-UMR LSTM (FRA)
  • Amir Hamid, UNC (NCL)
  • Nourissier-Mountou Sophie, CIRAD-FORET-PLANTATIONS (FRA)
  • Boucher M., Falconbridge (NCL)
  • Colin François, IRD (NCL)
  • Dreyfus Bernard, IRD (FRA)

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