
Fertilization of cotton crops in sub-Saharan Africa

Gaborel Christian, Crétenet Michel, Guibert Hervé. 2006. Fertilization of cotton crops in sub-Saharan Africa. In : Cotton showcased at Cirad. CIRAD-CA-DIR, DAGRIS. Montpellier : CIRAD-CA, 2 p.

Chapitre de rapport
Version publiée - Anglais
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Résumé : In West and Central Africa, cotton farmers buy most of their chemical fertilizers from cotton companies-directly for cotton crop fertilizers and under payment guarantees for food crop fertilizers. These companies provide credit for input. supplies and farmers pay them back when the cotton is first marketed. Cotton cropping has an economic role via the cash income this activity generates, but it is also essential in maintaining soil fertility through mineral inputs by chemical fertilizer applications. CIRAD is studying fertilization practices under crop rotation systems to assess the short-term economic impacts and longer term effects on soil fertility.

Classification Agris : F04 - Fertilisation

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Gaborel Christian, CIRAD-CA-UPR Systèmes cotonniers (FRA)
  • Crétenet Michel, CIRAD-CA-UPR Systèmes cotonniers (FRA)
  • Guibert Hervé, CIRAD-CA-UPR Systèmes cotonniers (FRA)

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Source : Cirad - Agritrop (

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