Silvie Pierre, Aberlenc Henri-Pierre, Duverger C., Bérenger Jean-Michel, Cardozo Rosa, Gomez Victor.
2007. Harmonia axyridis no Paraguai e novos predadores identificados no cultivo do algodoeiro.
In : X Simposio de Controle Biologico, 30 de junho a 04 de julho de 2007, Brasilia, Brasil
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- Portugais
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Titre anglais : Harmonia axyridis in Paraguay and new predators identified in cotton crop
Résumé : Strong inventories of cotton pests natural enemies were made in Paraguay by B. Michel and P. Prudent (1987 to 1992). Collections of the cotton entomofauna have been maintained, with visual observations during field visits of the national cotton program (PIEA) experimental plots. The new following predators have been identified: Oecanthus sp. (Orthoptera Oecanthidae), Acontiothespis brevipennis and A. concinna (Dictyoptera Mantodea, Hymenopodidae), Orthoderella ornata (Mantidae), Ceratocapsus paraguayensis and C. dispersus (Hemiptera, Coreidae), Oplomus sp. (Pentatomidae Asopinae), Castrida elegans granulatum (Carabidae), Phelister rufinotus (Histeridae), Trox suberosus (Coleoptera, Trogidae). Among 2167 specimens of Coccinellidae identified by C. Duverger, 2052 (94.7%) belonged to Pullus gillae, 85 were identified as Hyperaspis festiva, 17 were Pullus loewi, 13 belonged to Naemia (Eriopis) connexa and 8 to Cycloneda sanguinea species. None of Scymnus have been identified. The genus Pullus, very similar, is dominant. Inside the Reduviidae family (Harpactorinae) the following species were identified by J.M. Bérenger: Zelus longipes, very common, Z. laticornis, Z. ruficeps, Z. armillatus, Atrachelus cinereus ssp. crassicornis and Apiomerus apicalis. Podisus nigrispinosus is a common Pentatomidae predator on Alabama argillacea. Harmonia axyridis has been identified as an adult for the first time in Paraguay in cotton field in Caaguazu and Coronel Bogado, in January 2006. Larvae have been observed- also on cotton- in Caaguazu. Larvae and one adult have been observed in Caacupe in January 2007. Until now, this species, known as an invasive coccinellid from Asia, has been mentioned in the South American literature in Argentina (Buenos Aires) at the end of 2001 by Saini and in Curitiba-PR (Brazil) 2002 by de Almeida and da Silva (UFPR). We have observed larvae on cotton in Cascavel-PR in may 2006. The potential intraguild predation by this species has to be documented in the future. Palavras-chave: Harmonia axyridis, Reduviidae, Cotton, Paraguay.
Classification Agris : H10 - Ravageurs des plantes
Auteurs et affiliations
- Silvie Pierre, CIRAD-PERSYST-UPR Systèmes cotonniers (BRA) ORCID: 0000-0002-3406-6230
- Aberlenc Henri-Pierre, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR CBGP (FRA)
- Duverger C.
- Bérenger Jean-Michel
- Cardozo Rosa, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia (Paraguay) (PRY)
- Gomez Victor, Universidad Nacional de Asuncion (PRY)
Source : Cirad - Agritrop (
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