Louise Claude, Amblard Philippe, De Franqueville Hubert, Benavides D., Gallardo Camilo. 2007. Investigaciones dirigidas por el Cirad sobre las enfermedades del complejo pudrición del cogollo de la palma aceitera en Latinoamérica. Palmas, 28 (Spec) : 345-362. International Oil Palm Conference. 15, Cartagena de Indias, Colombie, 19 Septembre 2006/22 Septembre 2006.
Titre anglais : Researches led by Cirad on oil palm bud rot complex diseases in Latin America
Résumé : This paper describes the different bud rot complex diseases in Ecuador and Colombia. Category C0731 showed a good behavior or DA 128 D AF origin in the Plantation Palmeras del Ecuador and an experiment was undertaken to define more accurately the behavior of DA 128 D descendants (duras and commercial) in extension, as well as in replanting programs. The interspecific hybrid E. oleifera x E. guineensis shows a good tolerance to bud rot. Coari (Brazil) origin hybrids were planted at large scale, first in Ecuador and then in Colombia and have shown good oil production rates. At the present time the idea is to improve these hybrids and to assess them with other E. oleifera origins for oil production. A back-crossing program is underway to integrate into E. guineensis the resistance of the American palm, E. oleífera to these diseases. Molecular biology works are being carried out simultaneously so as to look for molecular markers of resistance and sensitivity to these diseases.
Classification Agris : H20 - Maladies des plantes
F30 - Génétique et amélioration des plantes
Champ stratégique Cirad : Axe 1 (2005-2013) - Intensification écologique
Auteurs et affiliations
- Louise Claude, CIRAD-BIOS-UPR Génétique palmier (ECU)
- Amblard Philippe, CIRAD-BIOS-UPR Génétique palmier (FRA)
- De Franqueville Hubert, CIRAD-BIOS-UPR Génétique palmier (FRA)
- Benavides D., Palmeras del Ecuador (ECU)
- Gallardo Camilo, Palmeras del Ecuador (ECU)
Autres liens de la publication
- Document en bibliothèque
- Localisation du document : CD_BR14652 [(Bibliothèque de Lavalette)]
Source : Cirad - Agritrop (https://agritrop.cirad.fr/543147/)
[ Page générée et mise en cache le 2025-01-23 ]