
Peluang aplikasi stek mikro (Microcutting) untuk perbanyakan batang bawah klonal pada tanaman karet

Haris Nurhaimi, Siswanto, Sumarmadji, Hadi Hananto, Tistama Radite, Carron Marc-Philippe. 2006. Peluang aplikasi stek mikro (Microcutting) untuk perbanyakan batang bawah klonal pada tanaman karet. In : Prosiding Lokakarya Nasional Budidaya Tanaman Karet = National Workshop on Rubbert Cultural Practices, Medan, Indonesia, 4-6 september 2006. Eds Sumarmadji, Nurhawaty Siagian, Aidi Daslin, Istianto, Irwan Suhendry, Tuti Kustyanti. Medan : s.n., 107-124. ISBN 978-979-8507-14-4 National Workshop on Rubber Cultural Practices, Medan, Indonésie, 4 Septembre 2006/6 Septembre 2006.

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Résumé : Clonal propagation with budding system through grafting buds from scion onto rootstocks is the usual way for rubber (Hevea brasiliensis, Muell. Arg.) propagation. Scions with good characters were obtained through breeding program and then propagated clonally, while rootstocks usually in form of seedling material due to the lack of an appropriate multiplication technique. In fact, the used of seedling as a rootstock, face on some constrains such as limited seeds due to seed season and suitable clone as a source of seeds. Besides, seedling will produced un-uniform rootstock which significantly influenced production loss as a cause of growth inferiority of scion as well as of incompatibility between scion and rootstock. Clonal propagation of rubber plant through microcutting technology which based on in vitro culture had been started at CIRAD (France) since 1980. Recently, CIRAD has completely mastered all process in rubber microcutting technique and proved the produced plants developed taproot and lateral root system in the field. In two first year tapping, the production of microcutting plants were 20% higher (kg dry rybber/tree) than those from conventional one. It seems that microcutting will be a new way to propagate clonal material of rubber plant. Since 2005, a research collaboration had been started by three parties, including Indonesian Biotechnology Research Institute for estate Crops (IBRIEC), Indonesian Rubber Research Institute (IRRI) and French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD). The aim of this collaboration is to adapt and to implement microcutting technology based on Indonesian environment and plant materials. The feasibility to implement microcutting technique depend on the succesful to overcome some constraint which usually face in this technique, such as high level of contamination especially in primary culture stage, difference response of plant materials to culture environment, and high level of death plant during acclimatization process. This paper summarizes some research progress on rubber microcutting and some results from collaborative research to show the possibility of their application in propagation of clonal rootstock in rubber plant.

Classification Agris : F02 - Multiplication végétative des plantes

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Haris Nurhaimi, Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan (IDN)
  • Siswanto, Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan (IDN)
  • Sumarmadji, IRRI [Indonesian Rubber Research Institute] (IDN)
  • Hadi Hananto, Balai Penelitian Getas (IDN)
  • Tistama Radite, Balai Penelitian Perkebunan Sungei Putih (IDN)
  • Carron Marc-Philippe, CIRAD-CP-UMR BEPC (FRA)

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