
A comparison of the field behaviour of ramets derived from a mature tree of Acacia mangium by tissue culture and the seedling progeny of the ortet

Monteuuis Olivier, Alloysius David, Garcia Charles, Goh Doreen Kim Soh, Bacilieri Roberto. 2003. A comparison of the field behaviour of ramets derived from a mature tree of Acacia mangium by tissue culture and the seedling progeny of the ortet. Australian Forestry, 66 (2) : 87-89.

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Résumé : The field behaviour of ramets of #Acacia mangium# produced in vitro from a 4-y-old selected 'plus tree' was compared to the field behaviour of the half-sib seedling progeny of the ortet. Assessments of mortality, frequency of multiple stems, susceptibility to wind breakage, total height, and diameter at breast height, were made over a period of 36 months from the planting date. Only mortality at 36 months differed significantly between the ramets and the seedlings, the rates being 23% and 0% respectively.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Acacia mangium

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Malaisie

Classification Agris : F02 - Multiplication végétative des plantes
K10 - Production forestière

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Monteuuis Olivier, CIRAD-FORET-PLANTATIONS (FRA)
  • Alloysius David
  • Garcia Charles
  • Goh Doreen Kim Soh
  • Bacilieri Roberto

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