
Valorisation of legume nodulating bacteria diversity for degraded arid and saline Algerian land restoration

Mérabet Chahinez, Bekki Abdelkader, Boukhatem Zineb Faiza, Galiana Antoine, Beunard Pierre, Willems Anne, De Lajudie Philippe. 2007. Valorisation of legume nodulating bacteria diversity for degraded arid and saline Algerian land restoration. In : Second International Rhizosphere Conference, Montpellier, France, 26-31 August 2007. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 50. International Rhizosphere Conference. 2, Montpellier, France, 26 Août 2007/31 Août 2007.

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Résumé : In Algeria soils available for agriculture are limited by salinity and drought. In this country there is a need for plant production improvement to face the increasing demand for human food and fodder. The global strategy for saline and degraded areas restoration includes the use of plant species developing nitrogen-fixing symbioses well adapted to these constraints, especially legumes. In this study plant and soil samples originating from arid and saline regions were collected all around the country. 72 bacterial nodule isolates were obtained and characterised phenotypically and genotypically. Their salinity tolerance was tested on YEM medium and 23 of them tolerated 800mM NaCl. The growth kinetics of the most tolerant strains was determined on M9 medium added with either 600mM or 800mM NaCl. AIl strains were tested for nodulation and nitrogen fixation with their host plants in standard tube conditions. After 16SrDNA sequencing, isolates were affiliated to Sinorhizobium, Rhizobium, Agrobacterium, Phyllobacterium and Bradyrhizobium. Some of them, forming a separate group possibly representing a new species in Rhizobium were further characterised by Multi Locus Sequence Analysis (MLSA) of five housekeeping genes and by auxanographic tests. Three S. medicae and two S. meliloti strains were selected for their efficiency and tolerance to NaCI in vitro and further tested as inoculants for the growth of Medicago ciliaris and M. polymorpha, the two dominant forage legumes in arid and saline regions of Algeria. The effectivity of strains was estimated by measuring ARA and plant aerial part dry weights with statistical treatments of data. Tests were performed both in a greenhouse and in open field located in a semi-arid region, South-Western part of Algeria. (Texte intégral)

Classification Agris : F62 - Physiologie végétale - Croissance et développement
P36 - Érosion, conservation et récupération des sols
F01 - Culture des plantes
P34 - Biologie du sol

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Mérabet Chahinez, Institut de recherche pour le développement ressources vivantes (FRA)
  • Bekki Abdelkader, Université d'Oran (DZA)
  • Boukhatem Zineb Faiza, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR LSTM (FRA)
  • Galiana Antoine, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR LSTM (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0002-5293-5049
  • Beunard Pierre, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR LSTM (FRA)
  • Willems Anne, Universiteit Gent (BEL)
  • De Lajudie Philippe, IRD (FRA)

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