Faye Bernard, Seboussi Rabiha. 2009. Variability of vitamin E concentration in camel plasma. Journal of Camel Practice and Research, 16 (2) : 157-161.
Quartile : Q4, Sujet : VETERINARY SCIENCES
Résumé : In the present study, variability of plasma a-tocopherol was reported in different groups of camels (non-lactating and non-pregnant, pregnant, lactating and their new-born, young, selenium intoxicated young camels). The mean values in the different groups were 1.13 ± 0.61 pg/ml (non-lactating and non pregnant),1.12 ± 0.81 pg/ml (pregnant),1.20 ± 0.80 pg/ml (lactating), 0.82 ± 1.06 pg/ml (new-born), 0.56 ± 0.22 pg/ml (young) and 0.68 ± 0.36 pg/ml (intoxicated young). There was no significant change in the time. Those values appeared lower than in plasma of other ruminants, but the effect of vitamin E supplementation was not known in camel.
Mots-clés Agrovoc : chameau, plasma sanguin, vitamine E, teneur en vitamines
Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Émirats arabes unis
Classification Agris : L50 - Physiologie et biochimie animales
Champ stratégique Cirad : Axe 1 (2005-2013) - Intensification écologique
Auteurs et affiliations
- Faye Bernard, CIRAD-ES-UPR Systèmes d'élevage (FRA)
- Seboussi Rabiha, United Arab Emirates University (ARE)
Autres liens de la publication
- Document en bibliothèque
- Localisation du document : CD_BR18068 [(Bibliothèque de Lavalette)] ; BA_BR5595 [(Bibliothèque de Baillarguet)]
Source : Cirad - Agritrop (https://agritrop.cirad.fr/555748/)
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