
Le système d'information sur la recherche agronomique algérienne au service de l'innovation. Vers une société de partage des connaissances

Bernaoui Radia, Issolah Rosa, Hassoun Mohamed, Foucher Jean-François. 2010. Le système d'information sur la recherche agronomique algérienne au service de l'innovation. Vers une société de partage des connaissances. In : Scientific and technical information and rural development = Information scientifique et technique et développement rural : éclairages sur des pratiques innovantes : IAALD XIIIth World Congress, Montpellier, France, 26-29 april 2010. IAALD ; Agropolis In. Montpellier : s.n., 8 p. IAALD World Congress. 13, Montpellier, France, 26 Avril 2010/29 Avril 2010.

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Résumé : A society considered as active is the one which leans on knowledge and which stays up its intellectual capital, henceforth perceived as equivalent as " raw materials " in the industrial sector. To fall under this logic of valorization and transfer of their productions, so that they should become shared social goods, the researchers need to be equipped with tools of visibility and analysis of their activities. One attends a true phenomenon of proliferation of databases of the publications of the researchers, research projects, experts, gates of research centres. Algeria, faced with strong constraints of insufficient agricultural production, needs to fit into this logic and to use its research results as a source of innovation and performance in its current strategy of reducing its food bill. Nonetheless, one of its constraints concerns the lack of tools to encourage the capitalization and the enhancement of its scientific output. The need assessment for the Algerian researchers in the installation of an information system on the agronomic research highlights the strong points of the scientific community in its reports/ratios at the tools of collaboration and shared knowledge: a tendency to a broader diffusion of the cartography of the institutions and research laboratories, their programs and research projects and their poles of competences; a regular use of the results of research tasks dealing with the topics of topicality; an interest carried to the international electronic reviews, the scientific demonstrations and the international databases; an attention accentuated on the transport and the forums of specialized exchanges. As for the weak points, those are articulated around an inter-institutional bulk-heading of the research teams. One raise, in particular, an ignorance of the possibilities offered by the opened files, the databases of competences, the platforms of internet speak exchange, the tools of division of documents for the coproduction, the videoconference and the e-learning.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : système d'information, recherche agronomique

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Algérie

Classification Agris : C30 - Documentation et information
A50 - Recherche agronomique

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Bernaoui Radia
  • Issolah Rosa, ENSA (DZA)
  • Hassoun Mohamed, ENSSIB (FRA)
  • Foucher Jean-François, CIRAD-DG-DSI (FRA)

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