
Market access of small-scale farms and biodiversity management of food crops. The case of sorghum and pearl millet in Mali

Dury Sandrine, Vallaud Maryon, Coulibaly Harouna. 2011. Market access of small-scale farms and biodiversity management of food crops. The case of sorghum and pearl millet in Mali. In : 5èmes Journées de recherches en sciences sociales SFER-INRA-CIRAD. SFER, INRA, CIRAD, AgroSup Dijon. Paris : SFER, 38 p. Journées de recherches en sciences sociales. 5, Dijon, France, 8 Décembre 2011/9 Décembre 2011.

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Titre français : Intégration des exploitations agricoles au marché et biodiversité des cultures alimentaire. Le cas sorgho au Mali

Résumé : Several studies carried out in different countries (and various ecosystems) show that varietal diversity has generally reduced with the integration of farms into markets. In Mali, farms sell an increasingly larger share of their cereal production in order to meet the rapid growing urban demand. The question raised here is whether or not this has had an influence on the diversity of sorghum and pearl millet landraces. Different index of diversity were computed using data collected from surveys conducted in 2010 in 120 Malian farms in two different villages. An econometric model is estimated to assess the different significant explanatory factors of these different indexes. Factors are related to the farm and the household characteristics and especially its sales of cereals. We show that farms in the village better connected to the market manage more sorghum and pearl millet cultivars than those of the remote village. However, in this same village, farms that sell proportionately more sorghum and pearl millet tend to reduce the number of landraces. These results suggest that there are two contradictory trends related to the connection of markets on crop biodiversity: one is a positive effect of opening up farms and the other a negative effect of the specialization and simplification of crop systems for sale.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Sorghum bicolor, Cenchrus americanus, céréale, marché, diversification, variété, biodiversité, petite exploitation agricole, ressource génétique, agriculture traditionnelle

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Mali

Mots-clés complémentaires : Diversification des cultures, Agriculture de conservation

Classification Agris : E70 - Commerce, commercialisation et distribution
F30 - Génétique et amélioration des plantes

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