
What does an inventory of recent innovation experiences tell Us about agricultural Innovation in Africa?

Triomphe Bernard, Floquet Anne, Kamau Geoffrey, Letty Brigid, Vodouhé Simplice Davo, Ng'ang'a Teresiah, Stevens Joe B., Van Den Berg Jolanda, Selemna Nour, Bridier Bernard, Crane Todd, Almekinders Cornelia, Waters-Bayer Ann, Hocdé Henri. 2013. What does an inventory of recent innovation experiences tell Us about agricultural Innovation in Africa?. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 19 (3), spec. : 311-324. European IFSA Symposium. 10, Aarhus, Danemark, 1 Juillet 2012/4 Juillet 2012.

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Thème(s) HCERES des revues (en SHS) : Economie-gestion; Sciences de l'éducation

Résumé : Purpose: Within the context of the European-funded JOLISAA project (JOint Learning in and about Innovation Systems in African Agriculture), an inventory of agricultural innovation experiences was made in Benin, Kenya and South Africa. The objective was to assess multi-stakeholder agricultural innovation processes involving smallholders. Approach: Country-based teams used bibliographic searches, interviews with resource persons and field visits to identify cases. The inventory was developed iteratively according to a common analytical framework and guidelines inspired by the innovation system perspective. Findings and practical implications: The completed inventory includes 57 documented cases, covering a wide diversity of experiences, in terms of types, domains, scales and timelines of innovation. The inventory confirms the diversity of stakeholders involved in innovation, the diversity of innovation triggers and drivers, and the frequent occurrence of market-driven innovation. It also illustrates more original features: the typically long timeframes of innovation processes; the common occurrence of 'innovation bundles'; and an often tight yet ambivalent relationship between innovation initiatives and externally funded projects. National teams faced several challenges during the inventory process, for example, in gaining a common understanding and making consistent use of key innovation-related concepts, and in accessing relevant information, as some case holders were reluctant to share their experience freely. Originality/value: The JOLISAA inventory contributes to illustrating that African agriculture is responding actively to the many challenges it faces. Documenting and sharing such a palpable dynamism may help to counter some of the pessimism and negative publicity that African agriculture usually attracts and to increase the motivation of many for making innovation happen across Africa.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : agriculture, innovation, petite exploitation agricole

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Bénin, Kenya, Afrique du Sud, Afrique

Classification Agris : E14 - Économie et politique du développement

Champ stratégique Cirad : Axe 1 (2005-2013) - Intensification écologique

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Triomphe Bernard, CIRAD-ES-UMR INNOVATION (FRA)
  • Floquet Anne, UAC (BEN)
  • Kamau Geoffrey, KARI (KEN)
  • Letty Brigid, INR (ZAF)
  • Vodouhé Simplice Davo, UAC (BEN)
  • Ng'ang'a Teresiah, KARI (KEN)
  • Stevens Joe B., University of Pretoria (ZAF)
  • Van Den Berg Jolanda, LEI (NLD)
  • Selemna Nour, ICRA (FRA)
  • Bridier Bernard, CIRAD-ES-UMR INNOVATION (FRA)
  • Crane Todd, Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Group (NLD)
  • Almekinders Cornelia, Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Group (NLD)
  • Waters-Bayer Ann, ETC Foundation (NLD)
  • Hocdé Henri, CIRAD-ES-UMR ART-DEV (FRA)

Source : Cirad - Agritrop (

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