
Climate induced effects on livestock population and productivity in the mediterranean area

Lacetera Nicola, Segnalini Maria, Bernabucci Umberto, Ronchi Bruno, Vitali Andrea, Tran Annelise, Guis Hélène, Caminade Cyril, Calvete Carlos, Morse Andrew P., Baylis Matthew, Nardonne Alessandro. 2013. Climate induced effects on livestock population and productivity in the mediterranean area. In : Regional assessment of climate change in the Mediterranean. Agriculture, forests and ecosystem services and people. Navarra Antonio (ed.), Tubiana Laurence (ed.). Dordrecht : Springer [Pays-Bas], 135-156. (Advances in Global Change Research, 51) ISBN 978-94-007-5771-4

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Résumé : The ability of livestock to breed, grow, and lactate to their maximal genetic potential, and their capacity to maintain health is affected by climatic features. Climate affects animals both indirectly and directly. Indirect effects include those that climate exerts on grassland and crops, and on water availability. Additionally, climate may also affect survival of pathogens and/or their vectors, which may cause risks for health in animal and human populations. Analysis of meteorological and entomological data indicate that climate has favored invasion of Culicoides imicola into new regions of the Mediterranean basin where it was previously absent. The meteorological complex has not been studied precisely to determine the optimal combination for normal physiological functions and behavioral actions, health, welfare, and maximal performance of livestock. An index for measurements of environmental warmth and its direct effects in livestock is the Temperature Humidity Index (THI). The THI combines values of temperature and humidity an~ has been widely used as a bioclimatic indicator of thermal stress in livestock. Studies carried out within the CIRCE project permitted to characterize the Mediterranean basin in terms of THI and to establish its strong heterogeneity even if most of the area is at risk of heat stress for farm animals during summer. The same studies also indicated that the area will be also subjected to warming and extreme climate events, which may aggravate the consequences of hot weather in livestock. Comprehensive frameworks need to be developed to identify and target adaptation options that are appropriate for specific contexts.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : Culicoides, espèce envahissante, bétail, santé animale, santé publique, changement climatique, conditions météorologiques, température, stress thermique, humidité, maladie transmise par vecteur, adaptation, élevage, genre humain, adaptation aux changements climatiques

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : région méditerranéenne

Mots-clés complémentaires : Culicoides imicola, Émergence

Classification Agris : L01 - Élevage - Considérations générales
P40 - Météorologie et climatologie
L72 - Organismes nuisibles des animaux

Champ stratégique Cirad : Axe 1 (2005-2013) - Intensification écologique

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Lacetera Nicola, Università degli studi della Tuscia (ITA)
  • Segnalini Maria, Università degli studi della Tuscia (ITA)
  • Bernabucci Umberto, Università degli studi della Tuscia (ITA)
  • Ronchi Bruno, Università degli studi della Tuscia (ITA)
  • Vitali Andrea, Università degli studi della Tuscia (ITA)
  • Tran Annelise, CIRAD-ES-UPR AGIRs (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0001-5463-332X
  • Caminade Cyril, University of Liverpool (GBR)
  • Calvete Carlos, CITA [Centro de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agroalimentaria] (ESP)
  • Morse Andrew P., University of Liverpool (GBR)
  • Baylis Matthew, University of Liverpool (GBR)
  • Nardonne Alessandro, Università degli studi della Tuscia (ITA)

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