
The bacterial flora of tsetse fly midgut and its effect on trypanosome transmission

Soumana Illiassou Hamidou, Simo Gustave, Njiokou Flobert, Tchicaya Bernadette, Abd-Alla Adly Mohamed Mohamed, Cuny Gérard, Geiger Anne. 2013. The bacterial flora of tsetse fly midgut and its effect on trypanosome transmission. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 112 (1), suppl., S89-S93

Article de revue ; Article de revue à facteur d'impact
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Quartile : Q1, Sujet : ZOOLOGY

Résumé : The tsetse fly, Glossina palpalis is a vector of the trypanosome that causes sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in cattle along with associated human health problems and massive economic losses. The insect is also known to carry a number of symbionts such as Sodalis, Wigglesworthia, Wolbachia whose effects on the physiology of the insect have been studied in depth. However, effects of other bacterial flora on the physiology of the host and vector competence have received little attention. Epidemiological studies on tsetse fly populations from different geographic sites revealed the presence of a variety of bacteria in the midgut. The most common of the flora belong to the genera Entrobacter (most common), Enterococcus, and Acinetobacter. It was a little surprising to find such diversity in the tsetse midgut since the insect is monophagous consuming vertebrate blood only. Diversity of bacteria is normally associated with polyphagous insects. In contrast to the symbionts, the role of resident midgut bacterial flora on the physiology of the fly and vector competence remains to be elucidated. With regard, Sodalis glossinidius, our data showed that flies harbouring this symbiont have three times greater probability of being infected by trypanosomes than flies without the symbiont. The data delineated in these studies under score the need to carry out detailed investigations on the role of resident bacteria on the physiology of the fly and vector competence.

Classification Agris : L72 - Organismes nuisibles des animaux
L73 - Maladies des animaux

Champ stratégique Cirad : Axe 4 (2005-2013) - Santé animale et maladies émergentes

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Soumana Illiassou Hamidou, IRD (FRA)
  • Simo Gustave, Université de Dschang (CMR)
  • Njiokou Flobert, Université de Yaoundé 1 (CMR)
  • Tchicaya Bernadette, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR INTERTRYP (FRA)
  • Abd-Alla Adly Mohamed Mohamed, IAEA (AUT)
  • Cuny Gérard, IRD (FRA)
  • Geiger Anne, IRD (FRA)

Source : Cirad - Agritrop (

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