
Potential building blocks for the research and innovation agenda of the future Europe – Africa strategic partnership on sustainable intensification of the African agri-food systems. Delivrable 2.4

Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Descamps Eloise, Maraux Florent. 2016. Potential building blocks for the research and innovation agenda of the future Europe – Africa strategic partnership on sustainable intensification of the African agri-food systems. Delivrable 2.4. Montpellier : CIRAD, 73 p.

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Version publiée - Anglais
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Del 2.4 Buildingblocks for R&I agenda.pdf

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Résumé : D2.4 is the fourth and last deliverable of WP2. It presents a wide review of the potential building blocks on which a Europe/Africa partnership on research and innovation in Agro food systems can be constructed. The document comprises two sections: Section I provides general considerations on intensification of agrifood systems, the options ProIntensAfrica has taken to understand the intensification dynamics, and the ways research and innovation can appropriately support this process. Section II presents the themes of the expected agenda, analysing first megatrends and challenges, food systems, trade and access to market, natural resources. Then, the document explores different cropping systems in order to identify the needs of a large diversity of stakeholders, at different scales, in different ecological zones to support the decision-making process. Finally, a wide spectrum of cross cutting themes are explored (biosciences and technologies, genetic diversity, large scale land acquisitions, innovation in partnership, collective actions, multi-criteria evaluation, ecosystem services, foresight capabilities, critical technologies, urban and peri-urban agriculture). If relevant, all the items are analysed with the ProIntensAfrica option that different visions of agricultural intensification address diversified (and complementary) research agendas. The content of the Agenda is mainly based on the PROIntensAfrica literature review. The full contributions of the authors, including lists of references, are available on an online platform, accessible on: These building blocks will be later in the project confronted (i) to the case studies conclusions, (ii) to the vision and criterion developed by the other WPs, and (iii) to a realistic future Europe / Africa partnership. From these confrontations, the final ProIntensAfrica R&I agenda will be defined.

Classification Agris : E14 - Économie et politique du développement
A50 - Recherche agronomique
F08 - Systèmes et modes de culture
P01 - Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières
A01 - Agriculture - Considérations générales

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Sourisseau Jean-Michel, CIRAD-ES-UMR ART-DEV (FRA)
  • Descamps Eloise, Universität Bonn (DEU)
  • Maraux Florent, CIRAD-DGDRS (FRA)

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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