
Diagnostic appraisal of the Sesayap area (East Kalimantan). Integrated forest industry with a reforestation development (IFIRD) project

CIRAD-CTFT - FRA. 1990. Diagnostic appraisal of the Sesayap area (East Kalimantan). Integrated forest industry with a reforestation development (IFIRD) project. Nogent-sur-Marne : CIRAD-CTFT, 27 p.

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Résumé : 1- Introduction This document constitutes a Diagnostic Appraisal of the Project Area (PHASE IA) highlighting the preliminary recommendations for the potential suitability of this area. In a subsequent step, the project site analysis and delineation (PHASE IB) should be completed. The Site Diagnostic consisted in: - map collection and data compiling - ground truth and overflight checking - forestry landscapes mapping using remote sensing techniques - prospective Project Site delineation mapping 2- Methodology. The Site Diagnostic is based on the interpretation of data remotely sensed by the SPOT satellite. The spectral reflectance of the Satellite image gives the possibility of identifying different types of vegetation covers. Additionally to the spectral information of the satellite image, the texture of a given landscape limit may be of great interest for discriminating forest stands. Visual interpretation has also been used in this Study. 3- Remote sensing analysis the results of the remote sensing analysis of the Study area (areas of each class computed) can be summarized in Table 1. In terms of percentage of the total Study area, the major landscape types are distributed as follows:, • Closed and Open broadleaved forest 28.7% of the Study area Forest plantations : 1.4 % Peat swamp forests : 42.4 %.

Classification Agris : K01 - Foresterie - Considérations générales
U30 - Méthodes de recherche
K10 - Production forestière

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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