
Zoning and compartmentalisation, two geographical and management concepts applied to official definitions of regions within the frame of OIE terrestrial code and SPS agreement

Bonnet Pascal, Mtei Bonaventure, Poccard-Chapuis René, Duteurtre Guillaume, Alary Véronique. 2006. Zoning and compartmentalisation, two geographical and management concepts applied to official definitions of regions within the frame of OIE terrestrial code and SPS agreement. In : Proceedings of the 11th Symposium of the International Society of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Cairns, Australia. ISVEE. Cairns : ISVEE, Résumé, 1 p. (ISVEE Proceedings, 1177-360X, 11) International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. 11, Cairns, Australie, 6 Août 2006/11 Août 2006.

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Résumé : The paper compares different definitions of zoning and compartmentalisation, two concepts highlighted in the OIE terrestrial code. It presents methodological approaches, derived from regional and economic geography, spatial statistics, multivariate data-analysis, system analysis, and epidemiology to delineate sub sets of space, with regards to the livestock sector and its commodities, to animal populations and their characteristics in a country. Zoning is a concept attached to the classic geographical criterion of a frontier, based on natural obstacles (e.g. rivers), artificial (e.g. fences) or administrative borders (e.g. sanitary district), that may be the source of delineation given OIE definition. In order to linking disciplinary geographic concepts and OIE code definitions, the authors particularly discuss three major definitions of a geographical region; i.e. the homogeneous region, the polarised region, the planning region, and envisage their level of compliance and usefulness with OIE health code . Compartmentalisation has a more flexible definition which should be based on reliable criterions describing livestock and farming systems management. Reproducibility of compartmentalisation methods from a country to another is debatable, since livestock sector and commodities are known to be extremely diverse around the globe. The paper finally illustrates and debates the mapping of frontiers and the use of some zoning and compartmentalisation criterions, by using examples issued from southern and eastern Africa, and Latin America (Brasil). In conclusion natural and economic conditions existing for producing livestock may lead to various ways for delineating OIE compliant regions.

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