
Strategic Cassava R and D planning activities to maximize future impact

Henry Guy. 1996. Strategic Cassava R and D planning activities to maximize future impact. In : Tropical tuber crops: problems, prospects and future strategies. Kurup G.T. (ed.), Palaniswami M.S. (ed.), Potty V.P. (ed.), Padmaja G. (ed.), Kabeerathumma S. (ed.), Pillai Santha V. (ed.). Lebanon : Science Publishers, 527-536. ISBN 1-886106-37-1 International Symposium on Tropical Tuber Crops: Problems, prosects and Future Strategies, Trivandrum, Inde, 6 Novembre 1993/9 Novembre 1993.

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Résumé : Financial and human resources for cassava R&D ail over the world have traditionally been scarce. In order to optimize the return on research investment, cassava R&D needs to be well focused, generating appropriate technology components to maximize adoption and subsequent impact. Bath international and national research institutions have been aware of this, and have emphasized the development of methodologies and strategies to accomplish this. ISNAR has developed a Strategic Research Planning exercise that can be applied to refocus and reorganize cassava R&D activities and/or programmes. In the paper an example is given of such a planning exercise in the case of cassa va research in Vietnam. While the latter exercise can generate recommendations for the more general structural and organizational issues, another case is presented of a strategy followed by CIA T in collaboration with Latin American national cassa va programme, in which cassava production, utilization and market research activities are integrated. These have been bath efficient and effective in maximizing impact at the producer, processor and consumer levels.

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Henry Guy, CIAT (COL)

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