
Phytopathology mission to the Oil palm research institute. Kusi station - Ghana, 13th to 17th November 1989

Renard Jean-Luc. 1990. Phytopathology mission to the Oil palm research institute. Kusi station - Ghana, 13th to 17th November 1989. Paris : CIRAD-IRHO, 12 p. N° de rapport : CIRAD-IRHO N° 2233bis

Rapport de mission
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Résumé : This third mission, undertaken at a different time of year from the previous two, confirms that cryptogamic diseases are not a limiting factor in oil palm development in Africa. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that losses due to Blast at some plantations, is appropriate and should be applied applications, or by nursery shading. there are considerable but the control method either through Temik Cercospora leaf spot ·can easily be controlled in the nursery by systematic treatment. Fusarium wilt causes little damage, but the measures already described should be extended to find out what the true disease incidence is. The current situation does not call for any substantial development in phytopathology research. An accurate inventory of problems should be compiled and particular attention should be paid to Blast, dry bud rot and Fusarium wilt development - characterization of Kusi planting material (with research into sources of resistance) could be the long-term research topic. Our proposals are not fundamentally different from those expounded in our March 1987 mission report.

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Renard Jean-Luc

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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