
Weed and Striga management in pearl millet production systems in sub-Saharan Africa

Yonli Djibril, Traore Hamidou, Amadou Kountche Boubacar. 2024. Weed and Striga management in pearl millet production systems in sub-Saharan Africa. In : Pearl Millet in the 21st Century: food-nutrition-climate resilience-improved livelihoods. Tonapi Vilas A. (ed.), Thirunavukkarasu Nepolean (ed.), Gupta S.K. (ed.), Gangashetty Prakash I. (ed.), Yadav O.P. (ed.). Singapour : Springer, 395-414. ISBN 978-981-99-5890-0

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Résumé : Weeds were a major constraint to food crop production in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) much more before soil poverty and drought became a problem. Among the weeds infesting pearl millet fields, Cyperus spp. and Digitaria horizontalis are the dominant species in terms of occurrence frequency and emerged plant density and are difficult to control. The depressive effect of weeds on pearl millet yield is compounded by the presence of parasitic species. Buchnera hispida, Striga asiatica, and Striga hermonthica are the main parasitic weeds of pearl millet, of which S. hermonthica is the most damaging and widespread. Control options involve cultural and herbicidal techniques. Some control methods, including cropping systems (crop rotation and intercropping), were recommended for S. hermonthica management. Compared to other Striga hosts, pearl millet has benefited from little research into the development of resistant varieties. Few control options to weed/Striga in pearl millet farming system have been designed, more research is needed to identify innovative weed control strategies in a participatory approach to conservation agriculture. The priority research needs would be to highlight (1) developed herbicide-resistant weed species, the existence of S. hermonthica races in SSA; (2) develop pearl millet varieties resistant to Striga ecotypes; (3) the effect resulted in pearl millet roots × soil microorganisms and nutrients interactions from the rhizosphere level on Striga infection; and (4) Striga severity and aggressiveness induced by climate change.

Mots-clés libres : Pearl millet, Weed flora, Parasitic species, Control options, Future research needs

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Yonli Djibril, CNRST (BFA)
  • Traore Hamidou, INERA (BFA)
  • Amadou Kountche Boubacar, CIRAD-BIOS-UMR AGAP (BFA) ORCID: 0000-0002-4267-9264

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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