
Zollinger and Van Steenis high biodiversity zone in South East Asia Islands: around Malesiana and Wallacea

Roda Jean-Marc. 2024. Zollinger and Van Steenis high biodiversity zone in South East Asia Islands: around Malesiana and Wallacea. Jakarta : DP SALSA-CIRAD, 1 carte , échelle : 1:35000000

Version publiée - Anglais
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Salsa - Biogeography 3b.jpg

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Note générale : Affichage des coordonnées en degrés décimaux : Coordonnées latitude - limite nord : 24.27168 ; Coordonnées longitude - limite ouest : 92.27168 ; Coordonnées latitude - limite sud: -19.12080 : Coordonnées longitude - limite est : 153.2173

Résumé : The dP Salsa covers a geographical area of great value for biodiversity that has been highlighted since the end of the 19e century, as shown in the thematic map. Within this context, the map also illustrates the coherence between the countries involved in the construction of the dP: the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. This thematic map illustrates biodiversity jumps which suggest a zone of interest where high biodiversity meets high human pressure. The thematic map presented here is simplified from Raes & van Welzen, in Blumea 54, 2009, 6-8(3). Zollinger (1887) first observed a zone of unusually high biodiversity in between Asia and Oceania, and called it the "Malesian floristic region", and its the delimitations were precised by Van Steenis (1948, 1950) with three demarcation knots (North to peninsular Malaysia from 375 to 200 genera, north to Philippines from 421 to 165, and between papua New Guinea and Australia from 644 to 340). The numbers indicate the number of botanic genera that do not crossing the knots, illustrating a higher endemicity within the zone. The green lines indicate ecotones separating biogeography zones between asia and oceania, with the Wallace lines and the eastern and western variants by different authors. The "Zollinger" zone correspond to the countries represented in yellow. The "Wallacea" zone varies a lot according to authors, but is often understood as a smaller zone comprising Sulawesi and Molucca archipelagoes.

Mots-clés libres : Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Philippines, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea

Agences de financement hors UE : Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement

Projets sur financement : (FRA) DP Sustainable Agricultural Landscapes in Southeast Asia

Auteurs et affiliations

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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[ Page générée et mise en cache le 2024-07-17 ]