
Foresight scenarios of future developments for crop-livestock integration and livestock system in Dien Biên district. ASSET project

Le Trouher Alice, Dinh Khanh Thuy, Han Anh Tuan, Trinh Thi Hong, Nguyen Thi Hang, Blanchard Melanie. 2022. Foresight scenarios of future developments for crop-livestock integration and livestock system in Dien Biên district. ASSET project. s.l. : ASSET, 26 p.

Rapport d'expertise
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Résumé : A participatory approach of co-designing prospective scenarios was used to define futures of the crop-livestock integration practices and of livestock systems development at farms and territorial levels in Dien Bien District. Based on the previous results (landscape characteristics, agrarian diagnosis, farm typology and farm trajectory), a diversity of local stakeholders (farmers, extension agents, local authorities) identify the factors of change in crop-livestock integration practices, and livestock systems development specifying the internal factors (on which they can act) and the external ones (on which they cannot act). The attendees reflect on the range of possible future changes in crop-livestock integration and livestock systems at farm and district levels (current evolutionary trends, possible alternatives). Finally, they describe the prospective scenarios. Based on the results of the prospective workshop, 5 scenarios have been designed. In the first scenario A - The current situation continues. The district still has a mix of farms, specialized livestock farms and crop farms. The number of farms continues to decline in favor of specialized farms. Slope crops are still grown with soil degradation. Fodder has continued to develop on roadsides and in gardens. A few more industrial farms established in the district are dependent on feed processing companies, without links with other farms for animal feed and soil fertility management. Farmers use more chemical inputs and concentrates. Fodder resources are insufficient to support the development of livestock production. With the scenario B "Feed self-sufficiency, farmers implemented new areas of fodder crops. Slope land crops (maize and cassava) are partially replaced by fodder and forest following reforestation objectives. The farmers and local authorities would be as self-sufficient as possible in animal feeding (on-farm production, applying technical innovations, crop residues treatment, feed formulas). An industrial feed factory is set up in the district. Part of the slope crop plots (maize and cassava) supply the factory. Some farmers process crop and by products through a fodder market. The size of the herds remains modest. With the scenario C "Environmental Awareness To face the environmental impact of agricultural systems, local population and policies support policies of reforestation, decrease in chemical fertilizers and pesticides uses. A manure market is developed to ensure a better distribution of organic matter. The crops on slopes have been stopped and land has been converted to fruit and fodder production. Capacity building and knowledge sharing allow farmers to improve the soil fertility management, inputs saving and apply intercropping, cover crop and agroforestry principles. Livestock systems are adapting to the land use and feed resources. With the scenario D "Development of intensive livestock farming” The strong consumer demand pushes the increase of meat production, with an intensification of feeding practices and a specialization of farms. The livestock farms decrease but the herds increase. The animal feeding system is based on fodder and industrial, with a fodder market and feed industrial and private processors. Capacity building and knowledge sharing allow farmers to improve the animal feeding systems, applying precise rationing, limiting feed wastage, promoting weight gain and good animal health. The slope crops supply a feed industrial and private factory. Finally, in the scenario E "Development of quality livestock and crop products” The farmers engage in niche businesses, using quality signs to develop high added value and quality agricultural products. Policies to protect forests and sloping lands lead to conversion of slope crops to fruit production, forest regeneration or fodder production. Manure and soil fertility management contribute to the recognition of agricultural products quality. Farmers fatten their animals, and maintain moderate herd sizes. Biomass exchanges between farmers are well developed (manure, fodder, processed products).

Mots-clés libres : Trajectoire, Evolution, Vietnam, Intégration culture-élevage, Élevage

Agences de financement européennes : European Commission

Agences de financement hors UE : Agence Française de Développement, Fonds Français pour l'Environnement Mondial

Projets sur financement : (FRA) Agroecological and Safe Food System Transitions

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Le Trouher Alice, CIRAD-ES-UMR SELMET (VNM)
  • Dinh Khanh Thuy, NIAS (VNM)
  • Han Anh Tuan, NIAS (VNM)
  • Trinh Thi Hong, Dien Bien DARD (VNM)
  • Nguyen Thi Hang, Dien Bien DARD (VNM)
  • Blanchard Melanie, CIRAD-ES-UMR SELMET (FRA) ORCID: 0000-0002-5166-8719

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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