
Towards sustainable landscapes: Implementing participatory approaches in contract design for biodiversity preservation and ecosystem services in Europe.

Gutiérrez-Briceño Inés, García-Llorente Marina, Turkelboom Francis, Mortelmans Dieter, Defrijn Sven, Yacamán-Ochoa Carolina, Wanner Saskia, Dodsworth Jennifer, Bredemeier Birte, Dutilly Céline, Kelemen Eszter, Megyesi Boldizsár, Andersen Erling, Buffière Didier, Eychenne Corinne, Siegert Anne. 2024. Towards sustainable landscapes: Implementing participatory approaches in contract design for biodiversity preservation and ecosystem services in Europe.. Environmental Science and Policy, 160:103831, 15 p.

Article de revue ; Article de recherche ; Article de revue à facteur d'impact
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Liste HCERES des revues (en SHS) : oui

Thème(s) HCERES des revues (en SHS) : Economie-gestion

Résumé : Agricultural landscapes are the result of the long-term, complex, and intermingled interfaces between nature and culture. Among the stakeholders involved in the production of agri-environmental and climate services, farmers play a crucial role, and their contribution should be duly acknowledged to promote sustainable land management. Therefore, this research aims to contribute to the participatory design of agri-environmental contracts to incentivize landscape and biodiversity practices. To achieve this goal, 13 innovation labs with multi-actor perspective were established across nine different European countries. These groups envisioned a future sustainable landscape characterized by diversity and balance of economic, socio-cultural, and environmental components. Trust-based networks and effective communication channels emerge as vital components for the success of sustainable local production systems. Practitioners emphasize the significance of European-level policies in effecting transformative change and influencing farmers'willingness to contribute to both food production and environmental public goods. They defined concrete contract features such as public funding, hybrid payments, and the presence of intermediaries for the potential of agri-environmental measures. Notably, practitioners perceive a wide range of benefits associated with the implementation of agri-environmental measures, extending beyond economic compensation. Gaining a deeper understanding of practitioners' perceptions of their territories and agri-environmental measures is crucial for policymakers to design tailored and appealing programs that resonate with practitioners'needs.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : approche participative, services écosystémiques, agroécosystème, paysage agricole, politique de l'environnement, durabilité, gestion des ressources naturelles, politique de développement, agriculture durable, diversification, paysage, développement durable, partie intéressée, atténuation des effets du changement climatique

Mots-clés libres : Agri-environmental measures, Common agricultural policy, Living labs, Participatory approaches

Agences de financement européennes : European Commission

Programme de financement européen : H2020

Projets sur financement : (EU) Co-design of novel contract models for innovative agri-environmental-climate measures and for valorisation of environmental public goods

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Gutiérrez-Briceño Inés, UAM (ESP) - auteur correspondant
  • García-Llorente Marina, UAM (ESP)
  • Turkelboom Francis, INBO (BEL)
  • Mortelmans Dieter, INBO (BEL)
  • Defrijn Sven, Boerennatuur Vlaanderen (BEL)
  • Yacamán-Ochoa Carolina, UAM (ESP)
  • Wanner Saskia, INBO (BEL)
  • Dodsworth Jennifer, University of Aberdeen (GBR)
  • Bredemeier Birte, Leibniz Universität (DEU)
  • Dutilly Céline, CIRAD-ES-UMR MOISA (FRA)
  • Kelemen Eszter, ESSRG Nonprofit Kft (HUN)
  • Megyesi Boldizsár, Centre for Social Sciences (HUN)
  • Andersen Erling, UCPH (DNK)
  • Buffière Didier, Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès (FRA)
  • Eychenne Corinne
  • Siegert Anne, Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DEU)

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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