
Résultats pour : "Sao Paulo"

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Nombre de documents : 60.


Regional model to predict sugarcane yield using sentinel‑2 imagery in São Paulo State, Brazil. Amaro Rafaella Pironato, Christina Mathias, Todoroff Pierre, Le Maire Guerric, Fiorio Peterson Ricardo, De Carvalho Pereira Ester, Dos Santos Luciano Ana Claudia. 2025. Sugar Tech, 27 (1) : 108-118.
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Impact of coppice and high stem management on Eucalyptus wood quality. Cirilo Nauan Ribeiro Marques, de Almeida Maria Naruna Félix, dos Santos Vaniele Bento, de Souza Aguinaldo Jose, da Conceição Gustavo Jaske, da Silva João Gabriel Missia, Protázio Luana Bento, Arantes Bruno Sangali, Campoe Otavio Camargo, Hakamada Rodrigo Eiji, de Medeiros Neto Pedro Nicó, Neto Thayanne Caroline Castor, Guillemot Joannès, Vidaurre Graziela Baptista. 2024. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 82 : 1841-1854.
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Influence of fertilization and water deficit on the density and anatomical characteristics of Eucalyptus grandis wood. Franco Mariana Pirès, Silva Maria Fernanda Felippe, Prates Glaucia Aparecida, Gali Lesley Carina do Lago Attadia, Caraschi José Cláudio, Savi Antônio Francisco, Chaix Gilles, Tomazello Filho Mario. 2024. Caderno Pedagógico, 21 (1) : 372-388.

Integration of very high-resolution stereo satellite images and airborne or satellite Lidar for Eucalyptus canopy height estimation. Manizheh Rajab Pourrahmati, Baghdadi Nicolas, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Alcarde Alvares Clayton, Stape Jose Luiz, Fayad Ibrahim, Le Maire Guerric. 2024. Science of Remote Sensing, 10:100170, 12 p.


Planting nitrogen-fixing trees in tropical Eucalyptus plantations does not increase nutrient losses through drainage. Formaglio Greta, Krusche Alex Vladimir, Mareschal Louis, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Nouvellon Yann, Delgado-Rojas Juan Sinforiano, Montebelo Alexandra, Ranger Jacques, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2023. Forest Ecology and Management, 537:120940, 11 p.


Testing collection-time reduction in fine-root biomass estimation in Atlantic Forests. Aparecida Silva Cinthia, Londe Vinícius, D'Angioli André Mouro, Scaranello Marcos A. S., Bordron Bruno, Joly Carlos Alfredo, Aparecida Vieira Simone. 2022. Applied Vegetation Science, 25 (1):e12638, 10 p.


Roots take up labeled nitrogen from a depth of 9 m in a wooded savanna in Brazil. Costa Pinheiro Rafael, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Pivello Vânia Regina, Lanzi Alo Livia, Costa Vladimir Eliodoro, Van Den Meersche Karel, Guerrini Iraê Amaral, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2021. Soil Biology and Biochemistry:108282, 8 p.
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Sampling and interpolation strategies derived from the analysis of continuous soil CO2 flux. Gana Cécilia, Nouvellon Yann, Marron Nicolas, Stape Jose Luiz, Epron Daniel. 2018. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 181 (1), n.spéc. Methodological advances in studying the soil-plant-atmosphere gas exchange : 12-20.
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Deep rooting of rainfed and irrigated orange trees in Brazil. Adriano Elisa, Laclau Jean-Paul, Rodrigues João Domingos. 2017. Trees, 31 (1) : 285-297.
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Genome-wide identification and characterization of cacao WRKY transcription factors and analysis of their expression in response to witches' broom disease. Silva Monteiro de Almeida Dayanne, Do Amaral Daniel Oliveira Jordão, Del-Bem Luiz-Eduardo, Bronze dos Santos Emily, Santana Silva Raner José, Peres Gramacho Karina, Vincentz Michel, Micheli Fabienne. 2017. PloS One, 12 (10):e0187346, 23 p.


Learning integrative negotiation to manage complex environmental issues: example of a gaming approach in the peri-urban catchment of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Ducrot Raphaèle, Van Paassen Annemarie, Daré William's, Gramaglia Christelle. 2015. Regional Environmental Change, 15 (1) : 67-78.


Effects of potassium and sodium supply on drought-adaptive mechanisms in Eucalyptus grandis plantations. Battie Laclau Patricia, Laclau Jean-Paul, Domec Jean-Christophe, Christina Mathias, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, De Cassia Piccolo Marisa, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Moreira e Moreira Rildo, Krusche Alex Vladimir, Bouvet Jean-Marc, Nouvellon Yann. 2014. New Phytologist, 203 (2) : 401-413.

Perfil de densidade do lenho utilizando métodos radiográficos. Surdi Paula Gabriella, Bortoletto Júnior Geraldo, Resende de Castro Vinicius, Ferreira de Almeida Natalie, Farinassi Mendes Rafael, Chaix Gilles, Tomazello Filho Mario. 2014. Scientia Forestalis, 42 (102) : 229-236.


Black leaf streak disease affects starch metabolism in banana fruit. De Amorim Saraiva Lorenzo, Castelan Florence P., Shitakubo Renata, Mariko Aymoto Hassimotto Neusa, Purgatto Eduardo, Chillet Marc, Cordenunsi Beatriz R.. 2013. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61 (23) : 5582-5589.

Dynamics of soil exploration by fine roots down to a depth of 10 m throughout the entire rotation in Eucalyptus grandis plantations. Laclau Jean-Paul, Da Silva Eder A., Lambais George Rodrigues, Bernoux Martial, Le Maire Guerric, Stape Jose Luiz, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Jourdan Christophe, Nouvellon Yann. 2013. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4 (243), 12 p.

Eucalyptus and Acacia tree growth over entire rotation in single- and mixed-species plantations across five sites in Brazil and Congo. Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Laclau Jean-Paul, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Voigtlaender Maureen, Gava José Luis, Palha Leite Fernando, Hakamada Rodrigo, Mareschal Louis, Mabiala André, Tardy Florence, Levillain Joseph, Deleporte Philippe, Epron Daniel, Nouvellon Yann. 2013. Forest Ecology and Management, 301 : 89-101.

Mapping local density of young Eucalyptus plantations by individual tree detection in high spatial resolution satellite images. Zhou Jia, Proisy Christophe, Descombes Xavier, Le Maire Guerric, Nouvellon Yann, Stape Jose Luiz, Viennois Gaëlle, Zerubia Josiane, Couteron Pierre. 2013. Forest Ecology and Management, 301 : 129-141.

Partitioning of net primary production in Eucalyptus and Acacia stands and in mixed-species plantations: Two case-studies in contrasting tropical environments. Epron Daniel, Nouvellon Yann, Mareschal Louis, Moreira e Moreira Rildo, Koutika Lydie-Stella, Geneste Blandine, Delgado Rojas Juan Sinforiano, Laclau Jean-Paul, Sola Gael, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2013. Forest Ecology and Management, 301 : 102-111.

Source-driven remobilizations of nutrients within stem wood in Eucalyptusgrandis plantations. Sette Junior Carlos Roberto, Laclau Jean-Paul, Tomazello Filho Mario, Moreira Rildo M., Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Ranger Jacques, Raposo Almeida Julio Cesar. 2013. Trees, 27 (4) : 827-839.

Stem production, light absorption and light use efficiency between dominant and non-dominant trees of Eucalyptus grandis across a productivity gradient in Brazil. Camargo Campoe Otávio, Stape Jose Luiz, Nouvellon Yann, Laclau Jean-Paul, Bauerle William L., Binkley Dan, Le Maire Guerric. 2013. Forest Ecology and Management, 288 : 14-20.

Tree and stand light use efficiencies over a full rotation of single- and mixed-species Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium plantations. Le Maire Guerric, Nouvellon Yann, Christina Mathias, Ponzoni Flávio Jorge, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2013. Forest Ecology and Management, 288 : 31-42.


Do changes in carbon allocation account for the growth response to potassium and sodium applications in tropical Eucalyptus plantations? Epron Daniel, Laclau Jean-Paul, Almeida Julio C.R., Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Ponton Stéphane, Sette Junior Carlos Roberto, Delgado Rojas Juan Sinforiano, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Nouvellon Yann. 2012. Tree Physiology, 32 (6) : 667-679.

Effects of black leaf streak disease and sigatoka disease on fruit quality and maturation process of bananas produced in the subtropical conditions of southern Brazil. Castelan Florence P., Saraiva L.A., Lange Fanny, De Lapeyre de Bellaire Luc, Cordenunsi Beatriz R., Chillet Marc. 2012. Crop Protection, 35 (1) : 127-131.

Production and carbon allocation in monocultures and mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium in Brazil. Nouvellon Yann, Laclau Jean-Paul, Epron Daniel, Le Maire Guerric, Bonnefond Jean-Marc, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2012. Tree Physiology, 32 (6) : 680-695.

Sazonalidade do incremento em diâmetro do tronco de árvores de Eucalyptus grandis pelo uso de dendrômetros. Sette Junior Carlos Roberto, Tomazello Filho Mario, Lousada José Luis, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2012. Ciência Florestal, 22 (4) : 763-775.

Stand-level patterns of carbon fluxes and partitioning in a Eucalyptus grandis plantation across a gradient of productivity, in São Paulo State, Brazil. Campoe Otavio C., Stape Jose Luiz, Laclau Jean-Paul, Marsden Claire, Nouvellon Yann. 2012. Tree Physiology, 32 (6) : 696-706.


Almost symmetrical vertical growth rates above and below ground in one of the world's most productive forests. Christina Mathias, Laclau Jean-Paul, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Jourdan Christophe, Nouvellon Yann, Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2011. Ecosphere, 2 (3):27, 10 p.

Applying sewage sludge to Eucalyptus grandis plantations: effects on biomass production and nutrient cycling through litterfall. Müller Da Silva Paulo Henrique, Poggiani Fabio, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2011. Applied and Environmental Soil Science (710614), 11 p.

Calibration of a vegetation index to monitor Eucalyptus plantation leaf area index with MODIS reflectance time-series. Le Maire Guerric, Marsden Claire, Ponzoni Flávio Jorge, Verhoef Wouter, Lo Seen Danny, Bégué Agnès, Stape Jose Luiz, Nouvellon Yann. 2011. In : XVth SBSR (Symposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto) Conference, April 30th to May 5th, 2011, Curitiba, Brazil. INPE; SELPER. s.l. : s.n., 8 p. Simposio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto. 15, Curitiba, Brésil, 30 Avril 2011/5 Mai 2011.

Functional specialization of Eucalyptus fine roots: contrasting potential uptake rates for nitrogen, potassium and calcium tracers at varying soil depths. Da Silva Eduardo Vinicius, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Abreu-Junior Cassio Hamilton, Trivelin P.C.O., Hinsinger Philippe, Jourdan Christophe, Nouvellon Yann, Stape Jose Luiz, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2011. Functional Ecology, 25 (5) : 996-1006.

Learning to manage quality in a multiple reservoir system: Contribution of a companion modelling approach. Ducrot Raphaèle, Clavel Lucie, Bommel Pierre. 2011. Water S.A., 37 (1) : 81-91.

MODIS NDVI time-series allow the monitoring of Eucalyptus plantation biomass. Le Maire Guerric, Marsden Claire, Nouvellon Yann, Grinand Clovis, Hakamada Rodrigo, Stape Jose Luiz, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2011. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115 (10) : 2613-2625.

Near infrared spectroscopy for estimating sugarcane bagasse content in medium density fiberboard. Belini Ugo Leandro, Hein Paulo Ricardo Gherardi, Tomazello Filho Mario, Rodrigues José Carlos, Chaix Gilles. 2011. BioResources, 6 (2) : 1816-1829.

Politiques de développement territorial et intercommunalité au Brésil. Tensions et complémentarités. Sabourin Eric, De Lima Caldas Eduardo, Moreira Ivaldo. 2011. REM. Revue de l'Economie Méridionale, 59 (233-234) : 7-31.

Rubber genetics and breeding at Cirad-France Country report of activities from 2007 to 2011 (AGAP research unit). Clément-Demange André, Garcia Dominique, Le Guen Vincent, Pujade-Renaud Valérie, Montoro Pascal, Seguin Marc. 2011. In : IRRDB Breeding Group Workshop, Bahia, Brazil, 4-7 April 2011. s.l. : s.n., 21 p. IRRDB Breeding Group Workshop, Bahia, Brésil, 4 Avril 2011/7 Avril 2011.


Crescimento em diâmetro do tronco das árvores de Eucalyptus Grandis W. Hill. ex. maiden e relação com as variáveis climáticas e fertilização mineral. Sette Junior Carlos Roberto, Tomazello Filho Mario, Tadeu dos Santos Dias Carlos, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2010. Revista Árvore, 34 (6) : 979-990.

Fine root isotropy in Eucalyptus grandis plantations. Towards the prediction of root length densities from root counts on trench walls. Maurice Jérôme, Laclau Jean-Paul, Scorzoni Re Danilo, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Nouvellon Yann, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Stape Jose Luiz, Ranger Jacques, Behling Maurel, Chopart Jean-Louis. 2010. Plant and Soil, 334 (1-2) : 261-275.

Integrating land tenure, infrastructure and water catchment management in São Paulo's periphery: lessons from a gaming approach. Ducrot Raphaèle, Bueno Ana Karina, Barban Vilma, Reydon Bastiaan Philip. 2010. Environment and Urbanization, 22 (2) : 543-560.

Relating MODIS vegetation index time-series with structure, light absorption and stem production of fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations. Marsden Claire, Le Maire Guerric, Stape Jose Luiz, Lo Seen Danny, Roupsard Olivier, Cabral Osvaldo Machado Rodrigues, Epron Daniel, Nascimento Lima Augusto Miguel, Nouvellon Yann. 2010. Forest Ecology and Management, 259 (9) : 1741-1753.


Dynamics of fine root distribution after establishment of monospecific and mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium. Da Silva Eduardo Vinicius, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, De Freitas Coelho Selma Regina, Moreira e Moreira Rildo, De Miranda Mello Sergio Luis, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Jourdan Christophe, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2009. Plant and Soil, 325 (1-2) : 305-318.

Dynamiques du développement de la pisciculture dans deux régions du Brésil : une approche comparée. Rodrigues da Silva Newton José, Beuret Jean-Eudes, Mikolasek Olivier, Fontenelle Guy, Dabbadie Lionel, Lazard Jérôme, Espagnoli Maria Inez. 2009. Cahiers Agricultures, 18 (2-3) : 284-291.

Efeito da aplicacao de potassio e sodio nas caracteristicas do lenho de arvores de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill, aos 24 meses de idade. Sette Junior Carlos Roberto, Filho Mario Tomazello, Dos Santos Dias Carlos Tadeu, Peres Chagas Matheus, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2009. Floresta, 39 (3) : 535-546.




Elaboração multidisciplinar e participativa de jogos de papéis: uma experiência de modelagem de acompanhamento em torno da gestão dos mananciais da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Ducrot Raphaèle, Jacobi Pedro Roberto, Barban Vilma, Clavel Lucie, Camargo Maria Eugenia, Chagas de Carvalho Yara Maria, Fernandes Franca Terezinha Joyce, Sendacz Suzana. 2008. Ambiente e Sociedade, 16 (2) : 355-372.

From revindication to proposition: Capacity building in negociation about water management in perirurban areas. The "teraguas" approach in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Ducrot Raphaèle, Barban Vilma. 2008. In : 13 ème congrès mondial de l'eau, Montpellier, 1-4 septembre 2008. IWRA. Montpellier : IWRA, 14 p. Congrès mondial de l'eau. 13, Montpellier, France, 1 Septembre 2008/4 Septembre 2008.

Gaming with eutrophication: Contribution to integrating water quantity and quality management at catchment level. Clavel Lucie, Ducrot Raphaèle, Sendacz Suzana. 2008. In : 13 ème congrès mondial de l'eau, Montpellier, 1-4 septembre 2008. IWRA. Montpellier : IWRA, 13 p. Congrès mondial de l'eau. 13, Montpellier, France, 1 Septembre 2008/4 Septembre 2008.

Mixed-species plantations of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis in Brazil : 1. Growth dynamics and aboveground net primary production. Laclau Jean-Paul, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Silva E.V., Jourdan Christophe, Cunha M.C.S., Moreira M.R., Saint André Laurent, Maquère Valérie, Nouvellon Yann, Ranger Jacques. 2008. Forest Ecology and Management, 255 (12) : 3905-3917.

Mixed-species plantations of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus grandis in Brazil : 2. Nitrogen accumulation in the stands and biological N2 fixation. Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Laclau Jean-Paul, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Moreira M.Z., Trivelin P.C.O., Jourdan Christophe, Silva E.V., Piccolo Marisa de Cassia, Tsai S.M., Galiana Antoine. 2008. Forest Ecology and Management, 255 (12) : 3918-3930.

Revealing representation mismatch through role playing games: Example of peri-urban catchment management in Sao Paulo (Brazil). Ducrot Raphaèle, Barban Vilma. 2008. In : 13 ème congrès mondial de l'eau, Montpellier, 1-4 septembre 2008. IWRA. Montpellier : IWRA, 1 p. Congrès mondial de l'eau. 13, Montpellier, France, 1 Septembre 2008/4 Septembre 2008.


Crescimento, nutrição e fixação biologica de nitrogênio em plantios mistos de eucalipto e leguminosas arboreas. De Freitas Coelho Selma Regina, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, De Miranda Mello Sergio Luis, Moreira e Moreira Rildo, Da Silva Eduardo Vinicius, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2007. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 42 (6) : 759-768.

Gestão dos mananciais na RMSP. Dinâmicas sociais e hidrologicas: Desafios da gestão nos maananciais : Peri-urbanos da região metropolitana de São Paulo. Camargo Maria Eugenia, Barban Vilma, Ducrot Raphaèle. 2007. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 diaporama (20 vues)

Peri-urban water conflicts : Supporting dialogue and negotiation. Butterworth John (ed.), Ducrot Raphaèle (ed.), Faysse Nicolas (ed.), Janakarajan S. (ed.). 2007. Delft : IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, 128 p. (Technical Paper Series : IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, 50) ISBN 978-90-6687-058-1


Jogos de papéis (RPG) em dialogo com a educação ambiental : aprendendo a participar da gestão dos recursos hidricos na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Seixas de Arruda Camargo Maria Eugênia. 2006. Sao Paulo : Universidade de São Paulo, 160 p. Mémoire MSc : Universidade de São Paulo

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in infants hospitalized for acute lower respiratory tract disease: incidence and associated risks. Lopes Riccetto Adriana Gut, Dirceu Ribeiro José, Tadeu Nolasco da Silva Marcos, Servan de Almeida Renata, Arns Clarice Weis, Elias Baracas Emilio Carlos. 2006. Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 10 (6) : 357-361.


Dinamicas agricolas periurbanas e gestao integrada da agua: o caso de um bacia produtora de agua na regiao metropolitana de Sao Paulo. Bouzid Mya, Ducrot Raphaèle, Chagas de Carvalho Yara Maria, Liguori Imbernon Rosely Aparecida. 2005. Cadernos de Ciência e Tecnologia, 22 (2) : 349-364.



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