Résultats pour : "CRISPR"
Nombre de documents : 4.
Multiplex CRISPR/Cas9‑mediated knockout of the phytoene desaturase gene in Coffea canephora.
Casarin Tatiane, Chagas Freitas Natália, Terassi Pinto Renan, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Zebral Rodrigues Leonardo Augusto, Marraccini Pierre, Etienne Hervé, Cardamone Diniz Leandro Eugenio, Carvalho Andrade Alan, Vilela Paiva Luciano.
Scientific Reports,
12:17270, 10 p.
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CRISPR elements provide a new framework for the genealogy of the citrus canker pathogen Xanthomonas citri pv. citri.
Jeong Kwanho, Muñoz-Bodnar Alejandra, Arias Rojas Nathalia, Poulin Lucie, Rodríguez-R Luis Miguel, Gagnevin Lionel, Vernière Christian, Pruvost Olivier, Koebnik Ralf.
BMC Genomics,
20:917, 19 p.
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